Releases: EmperorMurfy/2024CodingProjects
Changes & Updates
Minor updates + additions to both Basic Swift Concepts and Swift Practice + Warmups with new files - programs.
These files will not be linked individually - may contain short descriptions or notes.
Basic Swift Concepts
- **closures - concepts regarding closures, functions, ect
Swift Practice + Warmups
- Random Emoji Chooser - Simple Class/Function Program. Spits out 5 generated emoji lines based on constant emoji array.
- NewMerals.playground - Original Version, with Inputs substitued with Constants.
- NewMerals [INPUTS ON]** - Based on original code, inputs enabled. Coded & Tested in Programiz.
Changes & Updates
New additions to both Basic Swift Concepts and Swift Practice + Warmups with new files - programs.
These files will not be linked individually - may contain short descriptions or notes.
Basic Swift Concepts
- set example - Sept 16.swift - set example usage, implemented in Yacht Sea Program
- optional binding + forced unwrapping.swift
- basic array pt2.swift - more concepts added on to original basic for loops + array.swift
Swift Practice + Warmups
- New Wave Sale.swift - Simple Checkout Program
- Yacht Sea.swift + Yacht Sea p2.playground - Same code, one is in .playground file (xcode playground), other is in .swift (programiz)
- New Wave Stock.playground - Original version, with inputs substituted with constants. Xcode Playground is funky with inputs.
- NW Stock [INPUT ENABLED] - Based on Original version, inputs enabled. Coded & tested on Programiz.
All code (except for .playground folders) should work with Programiz Compiler. However not all code is suited for Xcode, bug with inputs :(
This year is already starting to get pretty rough, but so far Computer Science Seminar has been quite fun. Almost accidentally wrote "const" for a constant instead of "let" though.
Changes & Updates
- Rewrote parts of
- Added productClasses
- Changed Repository from 2024JavaProjects
Changes & Updates
- Updated readMe to include the following changes
- Added Basic Swift Concepts - Will be updated throughout the year.
- Added Swift Practice + Warmups
These sections will only include work done in 2024. 2025CodingProjects will include both the Swift code from 2024 + 2025 (Not yet released).
Summer is over, and a new school year begins. Taking Computer Science Seminar to learn Swift, thus the update.
Looking forward to another year of development :)
Changes & Updates
- updated readMe
- Added imageEditor project, still in the works, prone to update - completed version will be released in v.1.6
- Added rotate function, might try ASCII (prob not though)
Several week after AP test was completed,
i always bet on hakari
Changes & Updates
- updated readMe
- Added imageEditor project, still in the works, prone to update - completed version will be released in v.1.6
One week after AP test was completed,
nah, i'd win
Changes & Updates
- updated readMe
- Added + Updated PowerOf in RecursiveFunctions (Java)
PowerOf is an example of recursion (recursive function), It allows a base + exponent input. Detects either negative or positive, runs through PowerOf function, and returns with proper output. Also returns with superscript version via superscript function.
Changes & Updates
- updated readMe
- Added C++ & Python programs
- primeNumbers + pythonLists