This is a simple repository for Firebase Firestore. It is written in TypeScript and uses the Firebase v10 SDK.
The main use case is to have a single place to define your collections and subcollections, and then use them throughout your app. This way you can make sure you are only using existing fields in your types, and get IDE help for your queries.
npm i firestore-ts-repo
export interface CollectionRepo<T> {
// helper function to make sure you are only using existing fields in your type
fieldName: FieldNames<T>
// reference to the collection, for usage in queries updates etc.
collection: CollectionReference<T>
// reference to a document, for usage in queries updates etc.
docRef: (id: string) => DocumentReference<T>
// get the actual document
doc: (id: string) => Promise<DocumentSnapshot<T>>
export interface SubCollectionRepo<T> {
// helper function to make sure you are only using existing fields in your type
fieldName: FieldNames<T>
// reference to the collection, for usage in queries updates etc.
collection: SubCollection<T>
// enter the parent id to get a reference to the subcollection
collectionById: (parentId: string) => CollectionReference<T>
// reference to a document, for usage in queries updates etc.
docRef: (parentId: string, id: string) => DocumentReference<T>
// get the actual document
doc: (parentId: string, id: string) => Promise<DocumentSnapshot<T>>
// sometimes you need to query the subcollection without the parentId, this uses collectionGroup from Firestore
collectionGroup: Query<T>
Import your types and the helper functions from the package:
import { type User, type Books } from './your/types';
import { type CollectionRepo, createCollectionRepo, createSubCollectionRepo, type SubCollectionRepo } from 'firestore-ts-repo'
Note: You also need to have your Firestore
instance available.
Create a repo for your collection:
const userRepo: CollectionRepo<User> = createCollectionRepo<User>(firestore, 'users');
or for a subcollection:
const booksRepo: SubCollectionRepo<Books, User> = createSubCollectionRepo<Books>(firestore, 'users', 'books');
export your repo for the rest of your app to use
const repos = {
users: userRepo,
books: booksRepo
export default repos;
Then you can use the repo to do common Firestore operation, with strict typing and IDE help:
import repo from './your/repo';
// create a query for a specific type
const q = query<User>(
// gets the collection reference from the repo
// using the fieldName helper, makes sure you are only querying on existing fields in the User type
where(repo.users.fieldName('displayName'), '==', 'test'),
import repo from './your/repo';
// reference to a document, for usage in queries updates etc.
const _ref: User = repo.users.docRef('some-user-id');
// or
// get the actual document
const user: User = repo.users.doc('some-user-id');
import repo from './your/repo';
// reference to a document, for usage in queries updates etc.
const _ref: Book = repo.books.doc('some-user-id', 'some-book-id');