The ITI Examination System is a comprehensive database designed to manage exams, questions, student data, and instructor information. This system helps organize and streamline examination processes, including student-course enrollments, exam questions, and score tracking.
Our team followed an organized and methodical approach to develop this project, which included the following steps using Miro:
- Requirement Collection: Collaborated on Miro to gather and refine project requirements.
- Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD): Designed the ERD to visualize database relationships.
- Mapping: Defined the relationships between entities and attributes.
- Table Creation: Built tables with appropriate constraints and relationships.
- Data Insertion: Populated tables with sample data for testing.
- Stored Procedures & Triggers: Implemented procedures and triggers for advanced functionality and automation.
The database consists of the following tables:
- Instructor: Contains instructor details (ID, name, password, salary, email, and specialization).
- ins_phone: Stores instructor phone numbers.
- Course: Lists courses along with their duration and assigned instructor.
- Branch: Contains branch information (ID, name, city, and zip code).
- br_phone: Stores branch phone numbers.
- Track: Represents educational tracks, including start and end dates.
- Student: Holds student data (ID, name, gender, address, age, email, phone, and track ID).
- Exam: Manages exams with start time, duration, total marks, and associated course and student IDs.
- Questions: Stores exam questions, their answers, marks, and question type (MCQ/True-False).
- Choice: Contains choices for MCQs, indicating the correct answers.
- Student_Course: Links students to the courses they are enrolled in.
- Answers: Tracks student answers for exams, along with scores and timestamps.
- Track_Branch: Links tracks to their respective branches.
- Track_Course: Connects courses to tracks.
- Ins_Track: Maps instructors to the tracks they are involved in.
- Exam_Question: Associates questions with specific exams.
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Made by:
Eman Elsayed - Eman Sameh - Amira Gaber - Omar Mohamed - Michael - SeifEldien - Ahmed Tamer