We at the ELL-i open source co-operative have decided to adopt the SparkFun Electronics' approach to Eagle models, with the addition of providing EagleUp models for all the components that we have in our libraries. In the cases where there is already an existing SparkFun component that we use, we only provide the corresponding EagleUp models in this repository.
For the SparkFun Eagle libraries, see https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun-Eagle-Libraries
For more information about the ELL-i co-operative, see http://www.ell-i.org
These instructions assume that you have Eagle, EagleUp and SketchUp installed.
First, use git to clone both the SparkFun and ELL-i Eagle libraries from GitHub. If you use command-line git, give the following commands at a suitable directory:
git clone https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun-Eagle-Libraries.git
git clone https://github.com/Ell-i/ELL-i-Eagle-Libraries.git
Then add the libraries into the Eagle library path:
- Lauch Eagle
- Make sure you have the
Control Panel
window selected. - Select Options->Directories... from the pull-down menues.
- Add the newly cloned libraries to the beginning of the Libraries path. For example, the new Libraries could look like this:
If you are a beginner, also remove "$EAGLEDIR/lbr". That directory contains the Eagle default libraries, which you should not use when designing ELL-i boards. (That is, unless you know what you do.) 5. Click "Ok" to close the dialog box. 6. Quit and restart Eagle to make it to pick the new default libraries. 7. Create a new schematic to set up the used libraries: Select File->New->Schematic 8. Open the Libraries dialog box: Libraries->Use...
If you have installed the SparkFun and ELL-i libraries correctly, you should now see the SparkFun and ELL-i libraries. Depending on whether you removed the Eagle standard libraries (as we recommend for beginners), you may also see (or not) the Eagle standard libraries there.
After this, when you create a new schematic, you should see (only) the SparkFun and ELL-i component libraries.
The instructions for setting up EagleUp and using SketchUp to open 3D models are TBD.
Please note that only hobbyists (like us) use SketchUp files. SketchUp was originally developed for architectural sketching, and it is still used for architecture, civil engineering, and other similar applications. It is not very suitable for mechanical engineering. However, we find its user interface very easy to learn compared to most other 3D modelling packages. That together with the EagleUp tool and the relative plentitude of existing EagleUp-compatible 3D models has made it our choice.
For a relatively informed discussion about the 3D models used by the professionals, mainly IGES and STEP, you can have a look at the discussion that ensued from SparkFun's decision to start using SketchUp. Especially the comments about NURBS/BREPs and 3d content central appear to be particularly informed.