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New Elixir Project Checklist, formating, versioning, debuging, documentation, code coverage, package publishing, testing


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ElixirProjectChecklist Is a checklist to follow to create new Elixir projects to add things like, formating, versioning, debuging, documentation, code coverage, package publishing, testing etc. You can follow the checklist in project or clone the project if your creating a barebose project.

Please contribute

  • accepting
    • documentation
    • new checklist items




  • Skip the Installation and go to Core Checklist if your using the checklist to start a new project.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding elixir_project_checklist to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:elixir_project_checklist, "~> 0.1.0"}

Quick Start

make # see all commands

make setup # setup project
make build # build project

Core Checklist

  • setup - create README
  • setup LICENSE file - create LICENSE pick Apache
  • automated build - makefile automated help
  • build configuration - elixir mix.exs setup
  • code formatter - elixir formatter and configuration setup
  • style check - elixir credo
  • static analysis - elixir dialyzer
  • project documentation - elixir ex_doc setup with makefile
  • code coverage - elixir code coverage with excoveralls
  • publish the package - publish to hex

See more below

TODO - requesting pull requests

Optional Checklist

  • deployment package - erlang release with distillery
  • phx configuration 4 package - config.exs setup with aliases
    • distillery config - update config/prod.exs with "config :phoenix, :serve_endpoints, true"
  • benchmarking setup - elixir benchee setup
  • load testing setup - elixir wrk
  • logging - elixir logging TODO: Add example logging and checklist

setup README checklist

  • create README
  • add project description
  • add main project source reference: github_url_to_self
  • add contributors section

setup LICENSE checklist

  • select licence from:
  • create LICENSE file
  • update template with things like name, description and copyright as necessary

automated build checklist

build configuration checklist

  • update def project do with aliases: aliases(),
  • automatic version management for non hex packages
# make sure you use tags for MAJOR.MINOR versions
# e.g. git tag --annotate v1.4 --message v1.4
# this goes in your mix.exs

def app_version do
  # get suffix
  build_number = System.get_env("BUILD_NUMBER")
  suffix = if build_number, do: ".build-#{build_number}", else: build_number # => .build-443

  # get git version
  {git_desc, 0} = System.cmd("git", ~w[describe --long])
  ["v" <> major_minor, patch, git_commit_id] = git_desc |> String.trim |> String.split("-") # => ["v1.4", "270", "fa78ab71e"]
  "#{major_minor}.#{patch}+ref-#{git_commit_id}#{suffix}" # =>
  • create defp aliases see below
  • update def project do with default_task: "help_make",
  defp aliases do
      help_make: "cmd make"
  • test alias mix you should see make commands

code formatter checklist

  • create .formatter.exs
    inputs: ["mix.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"]
  • test make format

style check checklist

  • add to deps {:credo, "~> 0.9.1", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false}
  • test make style-checks

static analysis checklist

  • add to deps {:dialyxir, "~> 1.0.0-rc.2", only: [:dev], runtime: false}
  • test make static-analysis

Test makefile build

  • check after setting up code formatter, style check and static analysis with make setup build

project documentation checklist

  • add to deps {:ex_doc, "~> 0.16", only: :dev, runtime: false}
  • update def project do with
    • name: "project_name",
    • source_url: "",
    • homepage_url: "http://YOUR_PROJECT_HOMEPAGE",
    • description: """ ADD YOUR DESCRIPTION """
  • add to def project do [ docs: docs(),] and defp docs see below
  • Reference configs here:
  • add to defp docs
    • main: "ModuleName_or_Page" - Main page of the documentation. It may be a module or a generated page
    • logo: "path/to/file.png_or_jpg"
    • extras: "": [filename: "readme", title: "README"]]
    • extra_section: "Name of Extra Section in docs"
    • optionally add groups_for_extras: [ Introduction: Path.wildcard("guides/introduction/*.md") ]
    • optionally add groups_for_modules: [ Controllers: [ Module.Name ] ]
    • optionally add assets: "path/to/dir"
    • test documentation make docs open-docs
### --
  # all configuration required by ex_doc to configure the generation of documents
  ### --
  defp docs do
      main: "ModuleName_or_Page",
      logo: "guides/assets/image.png_or_jpg",
      extras: ["": [filename: "readme", title: "README"]],
      extra_section: "GUIDES",
      groups_for_extras: [
        Introduction: Path.wildcard("guides/introduction/*.md")
      # Ungrouped Modules:
      # OtherModules
      groups_for_modules: [
        Controllers: [

code coverage checklist

  • add to deps {:excoveralls, "~> 0.8", only: [:dev, :test]}
  • update def project do with test_coverage: [tool: ExCoveralls],
  • test make coverage-report

publish the package

  • Install hex mix local.hex
  • Register hex user run: mix hex.user register
  • Confirm your account via email
  • update def project do with package: package(), see below
  • mix.exs add fill out defp package keys see below
  • check no git dependencies
  • run: mix hex.publish
  • if first publish update references to hexdocs in readme and mix.exs
  • test published package
  defp package() do
      # This option is only needed when you don't want to use the OTP application name
      name: "package_name",
      organization: "hexpm",
      # These are the default files included in the package
      files: ["lib", "priv", "mix.exs", "README*", "readme*", "LICENSE*", "license*"],
      licenses: ["GNU 3.0"],
      links: %{"GitHub" => "", "HexDocs" => ""},
      maintainers: ["NAME and EMAIL"]

deployment package checklist

  • add to deps {:distillery, "~> 1.5", runtime: false}
  • setup by running mix release.init
  • create bin/version_check.exs
  • test package make package package-run


try do
    # if no args submitted and exception is raised
    if hd(System.argv()) =~ ~r{^(\d+\.)(\d+\.)(\d+)$} do
    # if exception it's a invalid version
    _ -> System.stop(1)

# Believe the receive block prevents the race condition so 
# that halt will work correctly
receive do
  {:hello, msg} -> msg
  10_000 -> "nothing after 1s"

benchmarking setup checklist

  • add to deps {:benchee, "~> 0.11", only: :dev},
  • add to deps {:benchee_html, "~> 0.4", only: :dev},
  • create benchmarks/sample.exs see below
  • test make run-benchmarks



map_fun = fn(i) -> i + 1 end
inputs = %{
  "Small (1 Thousand)"    => Enum.to_list(1..1_000),
  "Middle (100 Thousand)" => Enum.to_list(1..100_000),
  "Big (10 Million)"      => Enum.to_list(1..10_000_000),
} %{
    "flat_map"    => fn(_) -> 1+1 end,
    "map.flatten" => fn(list) -> list |> IO.inspect |> |> List.flatten end
}, time: 15, warmup: 5, inputs: inputs, formatters: [
  formatter_options: [html: [file: "_benchmarks/sample.html"]]

load testing setup checklist

  • install wrk brew install wrk
  • test IP= PORT=8080 URLPATH=hello/world make load-test

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at

Core References

Optional Refrences



No releases published


No packages published