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Config File

Elias Schaut edited this page Oct 23, 2021 · 9 revisions

The following table provides explanations about the keys in the config file:

Key Description Value-Type Must be set
prefix The bot's prefix String yes
client_id The bot's client_id String yes
token The bot's token String yes
enable_prefix_change Allow to change the servers prefix via prefix-command String no
enable_logging When true, every console-output will log into a log file Boolean no
log_file_name The name of the log-file String Only when enable_logging is true
role_ids_admin Users which have a corresponding role are admins and can execute admin_only command [ "<String>", ..., "<String>"] no
user_ids_admin Users which have a corresponding id are admins and can execute admin_only command [ "<String>", ..., "<String>"] no
enable_activity If true, the bot has use activity.status and activity.type to create a activity status <type> <name> (e.g. Playing help) Boolean have to be true, if status or type is set Name of the activity String no
activity.type Type of the activity String no
help.show_only_ permitted_commands If true, the help command only lists the commands that the author can execute. WARNING: Be careful if help.send_to_dm is also true. This may cause problems because some permissions checks may based on guild checks which aren't available in the dms Boolean no
help.send_to_dm If true, the help command sends the command list direct to the author (dm) Boolean no
embed.color Color of embed messages. Use Hex or Discord-Color. String no
embed.avatar_url Url to avatar of embed messages String no
default_lang The default language in which the bot responds (discord response only) String + value must be a key in lang_paths no
enable_lang_change If true the lang command is executable which allows users to change their personal language (language will only change for the specific user, not globally) Boolean no
lang_paths Another json object which holds all supported languages. The keys in the json are the language names and the values the source relative to lang folder String no
enable_standard_commands If true, normal commands executed via <prefix>command can be executed Boolean no
enable_slash_commands If true, slash-commands executed via /command can be executed Boolean no
auto_slash_options If true, slash_commands receive automatically generated arguments, depending on max/min-args-needed Boolean no
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