xhprof (or tideways) visualize html tool. This repository some modified for especially solo usage from xhprof repository.
Facing the challenge of slow PHP code execution, I sought a solution to gain deeper insights into the performance bottlenecks. That's when I discovered the xhprof-html library, a valuable tool for visualizing xhprof profiling results.
Initially, the tool lacked any styling, presenting the data in a rather basic and unattractive manner. However, as someone who found great value in its functionality, I decided to take it a step further.
I embarked on a project to enhance the design of the tool by integrating Bootstrap CSS, with the goal of making it more pleasing and user-friendly. This transformation not only improved the visual appeal of the tool but also made it more accessible to users seeking to analyze and optimize their PHP code performance.
I also took the intiative to redesign the documentation, enhancing it with a more contemporary appearance and simplified sidebar navigation by using a modern template called coderDocs
I hope that these enhancements will make the tool more appealing to users and encourage them to take advantage of its powerful features.
- clone repo
php -S localhost:8000
- Access
http://localhost:8000/?dir={Your xhprof profiling result dir}
- Install tideways extension
- Write code and save profiler result.
$data = tideways_xhprof_disable();
$filename = '/tmp/' . intval(microtime(true)) . mt_rand(1,10000) . '.xhprof';
file_put_contents($filename, serialize($data));
echo 'Profile Result: ' . $filename;
- Start this web app at PHP build-in server.
$ php -S localhost:8000
Enjoy profiling!
You can find other visualization tools on GitHub Topics!