iOS face-beautification toolkit built upon FaceUnity Nama SDK and FULiveDemo.
相芯美颜 SDK 集成工具包。
Install along with the lite version of Nama SDK which without physics engine:
pod 'FaceUnity'
Or install along with the full version of Nama SDK:
pod 'FaceUnity/Full'
You must call FUSetAuthData()
to configure your FaceUnity auth data before invoking any methods of Nama SDK:
#import <FaceUnity/FaceUnity.h>
#import "authpack.h"
FUSetAuthData(&g_auth_package, sizeof(g_auth_package));
can be called multiple times before you use any FaceUnity functions, it is useful when you want to load the auth data from a remote location, for example:
if (! loadFromCache(cacheFile)) {
// Load the default authpack.
FUSetAuthData(&g_auth_package, sizeof(g_auth_package));
downloadAuthData(cacheFile, ^{
After configuring the auth data, you may preload items to speed up the first loading time:
// Preload FaceUnity dataSource and items.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[[FUManager shareManager] loadFilter];
See Docs.