A minimalish config written in lua, uses:
- coc to handle linting, go-to definition, completions
- treesitter for syntax highlighting, language-specific comments, t/jsx pair renaming, and viewing a file's code structure
- leap, flit and easymotion for quicker movements
- vim tmux navigator for moving between vim and tmux panes
- harpoon for moving between frequently-used files
- telescope for finding files, grepping text, searching through help tags, etc
- grug-far for an interactive find and replace interface
- bufferline for buffer management
- fugitive and gitsigns for git integration
- oil for a better netrw
- bqf for a better quick-fix list
- wilder for a better wild menu
- Uses a unique project structure that supports:
- A barebones config that requires no external dependencies
- An feature-complete config with plugins managed by plug
- Options, remaps, and utilities shared between the two
├── barebones.lua
├── coc-settings.json
├── feature_complete.lua
├── init.lua -> feature_complete.lua (symlink)
├── lua
│ ├── barebones
│ │ └── init.lua
│ ├── feature_complete
│ │ ├── init.lua
│ │ └── plugins
│ │ ├── [plugin_name].lua
│ ├── shared
│ │ ├── helpers.lua
│ │ ├── options.lua
│ │ ├── remapse.lua
│ │ └── user_commands.lua
To run the feature-complete config, use nvim
To run the barebones config:
nvim -u ~/.config/nvim/barebones.lua