COMP123 - Programming 2 - Assignment 4 - Inheritance class Program { //Luis Sanchez - Assignment 4 - 28/07/2017 //300796405 //Inheritance - Ch.10 | worth 10% //Main class where objects are instantiated and methods are used static void WaitForAnyKey() { Console.ReadKey(); } static void Main(string[] args) {
GiantPlanet giantPlanet = new GiantPlanet("Saturn", 116.464, 5.6836, "Ice");
TerrestrialPlanet terrestrialPlanet = new TerrestrialPlanet("Earth", 12.742, 5.972, true);
//Luis Sanchez - Assignment 4 - 28/07/2017
//Inheritance - Ch.10 | worth 10%
//This class is the parent class where the different types of planets derive from.
abstract class Planet
private double _diameter;
private double _mass;
private int _moonCount;
private string _name;
private double _orbitalPeriod;
private int _ringCount;
private double _rotationPeriod;
public double Diameter
return _diameter;
public double Mass
return _mass;
public int MoonCount
return _moonCount;
_moonCount = value;
public string Name
return _name;
public double OrbitalPeriod
return _orbitalPeriod;
_orbitalPeriod = value;
public int RingCount
return _ringCount;
_ringCount = value;
public double RotationPeriod
return _rotationPeriod;
_rotationPeriod = value;
public Planet(string name, double diameter, double mass)
_name = name;
_diameter = diameter;
_mass = mass;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0} - diameter = {1} | mass = {2} ", Name, Diameter, Mass);
//Luis Sanchez - Assignment 4 - 28/07/2017
//Inheritance - Ch.10 | worth 10%
//This class is a subclass of Planet and represents the biggest planets. It includes two types of planets
//"Ice" and "Gas"
class GiantPlanet : Planet, IHasMoons,IHasRings
private string _type; //either Gas or Ice
public string Type { get { return _type; } set { _type = value; } }
public GiantPlanet(string name, double diameter, double mass, string type) : base(name, diameter, mass)
_type = type;
public override string ToString() //A more suitable ToString() method for this subclass
return string.Format("{0} - diameter = {1} | mass = {2} | type: {3}", Name, Diameter, Mass,Type);
public bool HasMoons()
if (MoonCount > 0)
return true;
return false;
public bool HasRings()
if (RingCount > 0)
return true;
return false;
//Luis Sanchez - Assignment 4 - 28/07/2017
//Inheritance - Ch.10 | worth 10%
//This class is a child of Planet .It has oxygen as a more specific feature. It represents habitable planets.
class TerrestrialPlanet : Planet, IHasMoons, IHabitable
private bool _oxygen;
public bool Oxygen { get { return _oxygen; } set { _oxygen = value; } }
public TerrestrialPlanet(string name, double diameter, double mass, bool oxygen) : base(name, diameter, mass)
_oxygen = oxygen;
public override string ToString() //A more suitable ToString() method for this subclass
return string.Format("{0} - diameter = {1} | mass = {2} | oxygen: {3}", Name, Diameter, Mass, Oxygen ? "Yes" : "No");
public bool Habitable()
if (_oxygen == true)
return true;
return false;
public bool HasMoons()
if (MoonCount > 0)
return true;
return false;
//Luis Sanchez - Assignment 4 - 28/07/2017
//Inheritance - Ch.10 | worth 10%
//This interface is used by the Planet classes and returns a boolean variable depending on whether or not
//a planet has Rings.
public interface IHasRings
bool HasRings();
//Luis Sanchez - Assignment 4 - 28/07/2017
//Inheritance - Ch.10 | worth 10%
//This interface is used by the Planet classes and returns a boolean variable depending on whether or not
//a planet is habitable.
public interface IHabitable
bool Habitable();
//Luis Sanchez - Assignment 4 - 28/07/2017
//Inheritance - Ch.10 | worth 10%
//This interface is used by the Planet classes and returns a boolean variable depending on whether or not
//a planet has Moons.
public interface IHasMoons
bool HasMoons();