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Thomas edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 8 revisions

Extensive breakdown of all flags and what they do

Mandatory Options:

These options have to be used in order for Zeus to run

-d DORK, --dork=DORK
                    Specify a singular Google dork to use for queries
-l FILE-PATH, --dork-list=FILE-PATH
                    Specify a file full of dorks to run through
-r, --rand-dork     Use a random dork from the etc/dorks.txt file to
                    perform the scan
-b URL, --blackwidow=URL
                    Spider a single webpage for all available URL's
-f FILE-PATH, --url-file=FILE-PATH
                    Run an attack on URL's in a given file

Attack arguments:

These arguments will give you the choice on how you want to check the websites

-s, --sqli          Run a Sqlmap SQLi scan on the discovered URL's
-p, --port-scan     Run a Nmap port scan on the discovered URL's
-a, --admin-panel   Search for the websites admin panel
-x, --xss-scan      Run an XSS scan on the found URL's
-w, --whois-lookup  Perform a WhoIs lookup on the provided domain
-c, --clickjacking  Perform a clickjacking scan on a provided URL
-g, --github-search
                    Perform a Github Gist search for any information on
                    the found websites
                    Pass the arguments to send to the sqlmap API within
                    quotes & separated by a comma. IE 'dbms mysql, verbose
                    3, level 5'
                    Pass a configuration file that contains the sqlmap
                    Pass the arguments to send to the nmap API within
                    quotes & separated by a pipe. IE '-O|-p 445, 1080'
--show-sqlmap       Show the arguments that the sqlmap API understands
--show-nmap         Show the arguments that nmap understands
-P, --show-possibles
                    Show all connections made during the admin panel
                    Send the XSS payloads through tampering before sending
                    to the target
--thread            Run multiple threads on functions that support multi-
--auto              Automatically start the sqlmap API (or at least try

Search options:

Arguments that will control the search criteria

                    Specify how many links to try and search on Google
-M, --multi         Search multiple pages of Google
-E, --exclude-none  Do not exclude URLs because they do not have a
                    GET(query) parameter in them
-W, --webcache      Parse webcache URLs for the redirect in them
--x-forward         Add a header called 'X-Forwarded-For' with three
                    random IP addresses
--time-sec=SECONDS  Control the sleep time to the WhoIS lookup to prevent

Anonymity arguments:

Arguments that help with anonymity and hiding identity

                    Use a proxy to do the scraping, will not auto
                    configure to the API's
                    Grab a random proxy from a given file of proxies
--random-agent      Use a random user-agent from the etc/agents.txt file
--agent=USER-AGENT  Use your own personal user-agent
--tor               Use Tor connection as the proxy and set the firefox
                    browser settings to mimic Tor

Search engine arguments:

Arguments to change the search engine used (default is Google)

-D, --search-engine-ddg
                    Use DuckDuckGo as the search engine
-B, --search-engine-bing
                    Use Bing as the search engine
-A, --search-engine-aol
                    Use AOL as the search engine

Misc Options:

These options affect how the program will run

--verbose           Run the application in verbose mode (more output)
--batch             Skip the questions and run in default batch mode
--update            Update to the latest development version
--hide              Hide the banner during running
--version           Show the current version and exit
                    Specify how many threads you want to pass
--show-success      Calculate the dorks success rate and output the
                    calculation in human readable form