# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class QuantumPhysicist:
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Yu-Ning Zhang"
self.role = "Quantum Physicist"
self.hobbies = ["Physics", "Mathematics", "Coding", "Gaming"]
self.language_spoken = ["zh_CN", "en_US"]
def say_hi(self):
print("Hello, I program mathematics and quantum physics!")
me = QuantumPhysicist()
I am a Ph.D. student working in the area of quantum information. I develop highly efficient numerics in Julia to simulate open quantum systems. In my leisure time, I love programming and solving mathematical puzzles.
Aside from my research, I also have a broad curiosity about trending technologies such as the LLM-based autonomous agent or decentralized networks of Web 3.0.