single-page react app that allows users request to be notified about specific changes in the price of stocks or crypto currencies. currently set to retrieve market data every 3 minutes.
- doesn't allow signing into portfolios to avoid security breaches.
- doesn't store user names or emails to help promote some form of privacy.
- react (front end)
- express (server)
- axios
- mongo db (store requests)
- twilio api (sms notifications)
- alphaVantage api (market data)
- heroku (host live app)
- backend: run "npm start from root directory. (NOTE: runs on localhost:5000)
- frontend: run "npm start" from "front-end" directory (NOTE: runs on localhost:3000)
Need to create a '.env' file in the root directory to run the backend locally. Add the following lines (no quotes, and no leading '-') to the .env:
- TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=your_twilio_sid
- TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=your_twilio_token
- TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER=your_twilio_phone_num
- ALPHA_VANTAGE_API_KEY=your_alpha_vantage_key
Also NOTE: Twilio free tier users can only send sms notifications to verified numbers (i.e. you will need to recieve a verification code on that number first and approve it). Because of this, you can't sms just anyone with a free-tier twilio account. The live app allows for sending notifications to any number in the US
- check queries to ensure they aren't exact duplicates before adding them to the database