👋 I am Eggy115
This entire github account is a joke... do not take this seriously please... this is entirely just filler text...
🌍 This is paragraph text
🖥️ I don't know what to write here
✉️ Okey dokey
🚀 Them more emojis in the readme
🧠 The better your project is
🤝 I... I write my README.md
's with GPT-3.5
⚡ Whoo yeah baby, let's go!
☦️ Yo it's 2024 now!
"I will make a repository for every programming language" - Eggy115
👋 I am Eggy115
This entire github account is a joke... do not take this seriously please... this is entirely just filler text...
's with GPT-3.5
"I will make a repository for every programming language" - Eggy115
Me exist
Me make project
Me no use github long time
Eggy115 on top
Technology is pretty spooky yo
This sentence may or not be grammatically correct.
Eggy115 always win and never lose
Tables | are | cool |
dont | you | think |
or | maybe | not |
not | not | not |
that | means | positive |
public class eggy115 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
print("Eggy115 always win and never lose")
@echo off
echo Eggy115 always succeed and never fail
console.log('Eggy115 on top\nEggy115 always win and never lose')
echo Eggy115
/tellraw @a {"text":"Eggy115","color":"#00FF00","bold":true,"underlined":true,"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Eggy115 always win and never lose","color":"#00FF00","bold":true,"underlined":true}]},"clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"https://github.com/Eggy115"}}
write-host "Eggy115 Not on Bottom"
<!DOCTYPE html>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Eggy115 never fail and always succeed!";
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Eggy115 never lose and always win!");
return 0;
# eggy115.pl
print "Eggy115 on top!\n";
display dialog "Yes Eggy115"
// Swift Program
print("Eggy115 good")
fun main() {
println("Eggy never fail and always win")
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Eggy115 always succeed and never lose")
console.log('Eggy115 peak performance');
using System;
namespace HelloWorld
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Eggy115 is the best");
"Eggy115 supreme"
fn main() {
println!("Eggy115 > Not Eggy115");
puts "Eggy115 better"
IO.puts("hello Eggy115")
putStrLn "Hello World"
import std.stdio;
void main(string[] args) {
writeln("Eggy115 is much good");
function hello(){
return "Eggy115 is number one";
s = new Sample();
writeOutput( s.eggy115() );
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console
main = log "First place is Eggy115"
print("Eggy115 owns you")
namespace HelloWorld;
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Eggy115 have never fail. Eggy115 have always win.");
object eggy115
def main(args: Array[String])
println("Eggy115 = Poggerz")
disp('Eggy115 much epic');
console.lof 'Eggy115 much good'
print('Eggy115 far superior');
program Hello;
writeln ('Eggy115 speak every language');
global _main
extern _printf
section .text
push message
call _printf
add esp, 4
db 'Eggy115 very cool', 10, 0
open System
let main argv =
printfn "Eggy115 code the best"
(print "Eggy115 sick")
program eggy115
print *, "Who run the world? Eggy115!"
end program eggy115