Dockerfile for building gaffer and its dependencies.
Based on centos6
BUILD WITH : sudo docker build -t <your_namespace>/gaffer .
RUN WITH: docker run --rm -it -v pwd/volume:/vfxlib <your_namespace>/gaffer
All the libraries will be then available in ./volume
maintained by:
for informations :
- Python-2.7.5
- subprocess32-3.2.6
- boost_1_51_0
- jpeg-8c
- tiff-3.8.2
- libpng-1.6.3
- freetype-2.4.12
- tbb42_20140601oss
- ilmbase-2.1.0
- openexr-2.1.0
- ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10
- glew-1.7.0
- OpenColorIO-1.0.8
- oiio-Release-1.5.17
- llvm-3.4
- OpenShadingLanguage-Release-1.6.8
- hdf5-1.8.11
- alembic-1.5.8
- xerces-c-3.1.2
- appleseed-1.2.0-beta
- cortex-9.0.0
- PyOpenGL-3.0.2
- qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5
- shiboken-1.2.2
- pyside-qt4.8+1.2.2
The build take long time, and around 6.5Gb of space, it will also eat all your cookies.
If the build hangs or crash try to lower BUILD_PROCS variable