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Directives description for config file.
worker threads for sls, it is recommended than threads match the count of cpu core.
the max client connection for each worker thread, please set this value according the cpu ability ;
log file name, such as logs/error.log ;
log level, include trace, debug, info, warning, error and fatal;
statistic info url, sls will post the statistic info with it. example:;
the interval of posting the statistic info to server, unit s.
the prefix of record hls, example: /tmp/mov/sls; the full record path is: /tmp/mov/sls/$listen/$domain_publisher/$app_publisher/$stream_name the default vod record filename is: /tmp/mov/sls/$listen/$domain_publisher/$app_publisher/$stream_name/vod.m3u8 when publisher stop, the vod record file will be generated.
the sls listen port.
accept connections at the same time
the net latency of srt. unit:ms
the play url domain name which can be more than one, divided by space , example: live.sls.com live-1.sls.com;
the publish url domain name witch mast be single. example: uplive.sls.com;
the timeout of no data, when timeout the server will discard the client. unit s, -1 is unlimited, for player and publisher.
the sls post the on_connect and on_close event to the http manager server, the syntax of the post url is like:|on_close&role_name=%s&srt_url=%s&remote_ip=%s&remote_ip=%d
in the http manager server, we can check the connection through the role name, srt_url, remote ip and remote port, if return not http reponse code 200 OK, the connection will be refused. we also can record the begin time and end time for the connection.
player app name, the srt url is like rtmp's, such as :srt://domain/live/stream_name ;
the publisher app name;
the record hls switch, on, off, default is off.
the dutaion of ts segment, unit s, default is 10s.
the type of relay, support two type: pull, push;
the relay mode, support two mode: loop, hash; in the loop mode, sls will loop to connect upstreams url one by one until connection is successfully. in the hash mode, sls will connect the upstreams server with the url hash.
reconnect interval when connection is failed, unit s;
the timeout of no data, when timeout the server will discard the relay. unit s, -1 is unlimited.
the relay upstream url, if there are more than one, divide with space, such as:;