Stata package with monthly and annual data for various CPI series
net install cpi, from("")
This package allows users to access monthly and annual CPI data files without having to place them in their working directory.
/* cpi tempfile */
sysuse cpi_annual, clear
keep year cpiurs
tempfile cpiurs
save `cpiurs'
*load org data
load_epiextracts, begin(1979m1) end(2022m12) sample(org) version(production)
gen org = 1
gen wgt = orgwgt
tempfile org
save `org'
*age and selfemp restrictions
drop if age < 16
drop if selfemp == 1
drop if selfinc == 1
tempfile wage_master
save `wage_master'
use `wage_master', clear
gcollapse (mean) wage [pw=wgt], by(year) fast
/* merge CPI */
merge m:1 year using `cpiurs'
drop if _merge == 2
/*use 2021 as base */
sum cpiurs if year == 2022
local cpi_base = `r(mean)'
gen realwage = wage * `cpi_base'/cpiurs
export delimited real_wage.csv, replace