Welcome to the community of Eco Russian-speaking players! We are a community of players, modders and server owners in Russia and CIS countries.
Links to our resources:
- Sait - https://play-eco.ru/
- VK - https://vk.com/ecopublicrus
- Discord - https://discord.com/invite/pSmw7pe
- Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ECORUS
- Telegram - https://t.me/ecogameru
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/ecopublicrus
- GitHub - https://github.com/Eco-Russian-Community
- Dzen - https://dzen.ru/ecopublicrus
- Boosty - https://boosty.to/ecorumods
ERC Development team:
- @Stallef
- @Tavren
We develop and actively update the following mods:
- ERC-Chutes - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-chutes
- ERC - Hewn Log Expansion - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-hewn-log-expansion
- The Great Cornholio - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/the-great-cornholio
- ERC-Locks - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-locks
- ERC-Sorter - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-sorter
- ERC-PGA (Portable Geological Analyzer) - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-pga
- ERC-Hewn Log Expansion - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-hewn-log-expansion
- ERC-Universal Constructions - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-universal-constructions
- ERC-Composter - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-composter
- ERC-Garden - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-garden
- ERC-Gates - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-gates
- ERC-RolePlay - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-roleplay
- ERC-Signs - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/erc-signs
- Dirt Decomposition - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/dirt-decomposition
- No immortal plants - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/no-immortal-plants
We are actively involved in the development of the following mods:
- EcoWorldEdit - https://mod.io/g/eco/m/ecoworldedit
Roadmap - our next mods:
- ERC-Teleport - in Develop
- NonPlayerCharacters (NPC)
- ERC-OilRefinery - in Develop
- ERC-Physics - Mod that add physics to world blocks and constructions
- ERC-Automation - Mod that provide way to automate other ERC mods, crafting and many other things
- ERC-Power - Mod that changes how the power network works and adds various utilities to handle it - in Develop
- Eco Conveyance - in Develop - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0hZg4ORoGY
- Eco Minecarts https://youtu.be/NAVXU4bvGvQ