This is a stream bot application design for the discord server Hunsterverse.
- Orace JDK 15 or OpenJDK 15 minimum
Note that thanks to backwards compatability, the latest jdk will run older versions just fine.
For linux installation of openjdk read here for more info... or here... and here for info on how to manage multiple installed versions. Just look up how for your specific distro.
java -jar hvstreambot.jar
!s help
This will display all available commands the user is allowed to use.
!s config [(list, ls), reload] - reloads the bot config.
!s restart [twitch, discord] - restarts twitch or discord bot.
!s embedUpdate - updates the live stream active embeds.
!s check [<@discorduser>, <twitchchannel>] - displays known information regarding the passed argument i.e. user association, affiliation, etc
!s link <@discorduser> <twitchchannel> [<affiliate> true, false] - links user and channel and designate if they are affilite or not
!s unlink <discordId or mention> - unlinks user.
!s islive <twitchchannel> - checks if channel is live.
!s backup - initiates a database backup manually. (Does not affect scheduled backups)
!s subscribe <@streamer or discordid> - subscribes to streamer.
!s unsubscribe <@streamer or discordid> - unsubscribes to streamer.
!s togglenotifs - mutes/unmutes all subscriber notifications.
!s subscriptions - who you are subscribed to.
!s gamefilter [create, delete, list, select] - manage filters.
More information in the discordbot.yaml and twitchbot.yaml files.
- Active embed for tracking live streamers.
- Ability to track link users to a twitch account and actively track their status (live or offline). Stored in a JSON formatted database
- Manual and scheduled database backups and path configuration.
- full feature configuration. Channel usage, role usage, ability to enable and disable certain commands.
- Affiliate parameter to allow affiliate only command usage. Implemented for use with future expansions to this bot.
- Allow users to subscribe to get a discord dm (notification) when the streamer goes live. Also ability to mute notifs
- Streamers can create and set filters to allow a stream get posted to an embed when they play a certain game.
hvstreambotupdater - lets you update the bot by fetching the latest release from the repo. Update command is disabled due to inconsistencies between OS