$ npm install --save noderiowrapper
const noderiowrapper = require("noderiowrapper");
const nodeRIO = new noderiowrapper();
nodeRIO.Character.gear = true;
nodeRIO.Character.guild = true;
nodeRIO.Character.mythic_plus_scores_by_season = nodeRIO.Character._mythic_plus_scores_by_season_current;
nodeRIO.Character.getProfile("eu", "confrérie-du-thorium", "redwh").then((result) => {
- Addition of automatic test for more reliability
- Character Profile Raid Achievement Meta
- Character Profile Raid Achievement Curve
- Character Profile (With option)
- Character Profile Gear
- Character Profile Guild
- Character Profile Covenant
- Character Profile Raid Progression
- Character Profile Mythic+ Score for current season
- Character Profile Mythic+ Score by season
- Character Profile Mythic+ Rank
- Character Profile Mythic+ 10 Recent Runs (current season)
- Character Profile Mythic+ 10 Best Runs (current season)
- Character Profile Mythic+ All Best Runs (current season)
- Character Profile Mythic+ 10 Highest Runs (current season)
- Character Profile Mythic+ 10 Weekly Highest Runs
- Character Profile Mythic+ 10 Previous Week Highest Runs
- Character Profile Raid Achievement Meta
- Character Profile Raid Achievement Curve
- Default Periods
- Guild Boss Kill
- Guild Profile
- Global Mythic+ Affixes
- Global Mythic+ Leaderboard Capacity
- Global Mythic+ Top Runs
- Global Mythic+ Colors used for score tiers
- Global Mythic+ Static Data
- Global Raiding Boss Rankings
- Global Raiding Hall of fame
- Global Raiding Progression
- Global Raiding Raid rankings
- Global Raiding Static Data
Documentation (More details : https://raider.io/api)
- getProfile(region, realm, name): retrieve one or many information for player depending on the configuration of the object
- getGear(region, realm, name): retrieve high level item information for player
- getGuild(region, realm, name): retrieve basic information about guild the player is in
- getCovenant(region, realm, name): retrieve the covenant and renown level of the player
- getRaidProgression(region, realm, name): retrieve raid progression data for character
- getCurrentMythicPlusScores(region, realm, name): retrieve scores for current mythic plus season.
- getSeasonMythicPlusScores(region, realm, name, season): retrieve scores by mythic plus season. You can specify one or more season by appending multiple ':' values to this field. Note: Results are returned in an array that matches the order of the seasons in the request.
- getCurrentMythicPlusRanks(region, realm, name): retrieve current season mythic plus rankings for player.
- getMythicPlusRecentRuns(region, realm, name): retrieve ten most recent mythic plus runs for player (current season only).
- getMythicBestRuns(region, realm, name): retrieve ten most high scoring mythic plus runs for player (current season only).
- getAllMythicBestRuns(region, realm, name): retrieve most high scoring mythic plus runs for each keys for player (current season only).
- getMythicPlusHighestRuns(region, realm, name): retrieve the player's ten highest Mythic+ runs by Mythic+ level (current season only)
- getMythicPlusWeeklyHighestRuns(region, realm, name): retrieve the player's ten highest Mythic+ runs by Mythic+ level for the current raid week (current season only)
- getMythicPlusPreviousWeekHighestRuns(region, realm, name): retrieve the player's ten highest Mythic+ runs by Mythic+ level for the previous raid week (current season only)
- getAffixes(region = "eu", locale = "fr"): Retrieve the affixes for a specific region, including the latest run seen with this affix