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Wrapped Deal – A Trustless Automated Payment CLI for Filecoin Deals

This repository provides a command-line interface (CLI) called Wrapped Deal that aims to offer trustless automated payments to Storage Providers (SPs) for Filecoin deal services. By using the MarketDealWrapper smart contract, clients can automate fund transfers to SPs whenever a deal is made, eliminating the need for manual payment arrangements.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Architecture Overview
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Setup
    1. Clone the Repository
    2. Adjust the go.mod Replacement
    3. Build & Deploy the Smart Contract
    4. Build the CLI
    5. Running the CLI
  5. CLI Usage Guide
    1. fil
    2. write-contract
    3. read-contract
  6. Deal Making Flow Using Wrapped Deal
  8. Additional Resources


Wrapped Deal is designed to streamline and secure the payment process between Filecoin clients and Storage Providers:

  • Offers an on-chain mechanism to handle payments, ensuring trustless transactions.
  • Provides a set of commands to read and write data to the MarketDealWrapper smart contract.
  • Integrates with the Filecoin network using tools such as Foundry and Boost.

Architecture Overview

The Wrapped Deal CLI interacts with the MarketDealWrapper smart contract to automate payments for Filecoin deals. The flow looks like this:

graph TD
    A[Deploy MarketDealWrapper Contract] --> B[Add Storage Provider with Payment Token and Address]
    B --> C[Whitelist f1 Address in Contract]
    C --> D[Approve and Add Tokens for SP Payment]
    D --> E[Make Boost Deal using Whitelisted Address]

    subgraph Market_Actor_Calls[Market Actor Callbacks]
        subgraph Notify[deal_notify]
            F[Initialize Payment Schedule to SP]
        subgraph Auth[authenticate_message]
            H[Verify Signature]


    E --> Market_Actor_Calls
    Market_Actor_Calls --> J[SP Requests Payment Withdrawal]
    J --> K{Check if Deal is Live}
    K -->|Yes| L[Release Payment Based on Epochs Passed]
    K -->|No| M[Pay Only for Maintained Period]

    style A fill:#e1f5fe
    style E fill:#e8f5e9
    style Market_Actor_Calls fill:#fff3e0, color:#000000
    style Auth fill:#ffe0b2, color:#000000
    style Notify fill:#ffe0b2, color:#000000
    style K fill:#fce4ec


  1. Foundry

    • Used to build and deploy the MarketDealWrapper contract.
    • Install via:
      curl -L | bash
    • Refer to the official Foundry documentation for detailed instructions.
  2. Boost

  3. Boost Wallet

    • Ensure you have a funded wallet set in boost to make deals on the Filecoin network.
    • If not set you can set it with the following command:
      boost wallet new
    • Refer to the Boost Wallet documentation for more information.
  4. Go (1.22.x recommended)

    • Verify with:
      go version
    • If needed, install or update from


1. Clone the Repository

Use Git to clone this repository:

git clone
cd fil-deal-wrapper

2. Adjust the go.mod Replacement

Inside the project’s go.mod file, a replace directive is used to point to a local build of filecoin-ffi

Replace the path with the local path on your machine where filecoin-ffi is located. For example:

replace => /path/to/your/boost/extern/filecoin-ffi

3. Build & Deploy the Smart Contract

  1. Enter the contracts directory (or wherever your Foundry project is located):

    cd contracts
  2. Build the MarketDealWrapper contract:

    forge build
  3. Deploy the contract to a desired network (e.g., Anvil, testnet, or mainnet):

    forge create --rpc-url <YOUR_RPC_URL> --private-key <YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY> src/MarketDealWrapper.sol:MarketDealWrapper

    Make sure to replace <YOUR_RPC_URL> and <YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY> with actual values.

  4. Note the contract address displayed after deployment, as you will need it to interact with the contract using the CLI.

4. Build the CLI

  1. Return to the root directory of the project:

    cd ..
  2. Set the environment variable for CLI to avoid putting some flags every time:

If you want to make local deals directly with files in your environment you will need:

  1. Build the Wrapped Deal CLI:

    go build -o wrappedeal

This produces an executable called wrappedeal in your current directory.

5. Running the CLI

Once built, run the CLI with:

./wrappedeal help


wrappedeal help

CLI Usage Guide

Below are the main commands and subcommands available in wrappedeal, along with examples on how to use them. Ensure that all flags are specified before the parameters. Do see IMPORTANT NOTES at the end to avoid common pitfalls.

1. fil

Use fil for Filecoin-related tasks.

wrappedeal fil [subcommand] [flags]


  1. deal
    Make an online deal with a CAR file.

    wrappedeal fil deal \
      --http-url "<HTTP_URL>" \
      --car-size <SIZE> \
      --provider "<SP_ADDRESS>" \
      --commp "<COMM_P>" \
      --piece-size <PIECE_SIZE> \
      --payload-cid "<CID>" \
      --contract "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>"
  2. local-deal
    Make a deal from a local file or folder.

    wrappedeal fil local-deal \
      --path "<FILE_OR_FOLDER_PATH>" \
      --provider "<SP_ADDRESS>" \
      --contract "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>"
      --lighthouse true # optional
  3. offline-deal
    Make an offline deal (the CAR is provided out-of-band).

    wrappedeal fil offline-deal \
      --provider "<SP_ADDRESS>" \
      --commp "<COMM_P>" \
      --piece-size <PIECE_SIZE> \
      --payload-cid "<CID>" \
      --contract "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>"
  4. get-eth-addr
    Get the Ethereum address corresponding to a Filecoin address.

    wrappedeal fil get-eth-addr \
      --filecoin-addr "<FILECOIN_ADDRESS>" \
  5. get-actor-id
    Retrieve the Actor ID from a Filecoin address.

    wrappedeal fil get-actor-id \
      --filecoin-addr "<FILECOIN_ADDRESS>" \

2. write-contract

Use write-contract to send write transactions to the MarketDealWrapper contract.

wrappedeal write-contract [subcommand] [flags] [parameters]


  1. add-sp
    Add a storage provider to the MarketDealWrapper contract.

    wrappedeal write-contract add-sp \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
      --actor-id <ACTOR_ID> \
      --eth-addr "<ETH_ADDRESS>" \
      --token "<TOKEN_ADDRESS>" \
      --price-per-tb-per-month <PRICE>
  2. update-sp
    Update a storage provider in the MarketDealWrapper contract.

    wrappedeal write-contract update-sp \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
      --actor-id <ACTOR_ID> \
      --eth-addr "<NEW_ETH_ADDRESS>" \
      --token "<NEW_TOKEN_ADDRESS>" \
      --price-per-tb-per-month <NEW_PRICE>
  3. add-to-whitelist
    Add an Actor ID to the whitelist in the MarketDealWrapper contract.

    wrappedeal write-contract add-to-whitelist \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  4. remove-from-whitelist
    Remove an Actor ID from the whitelist in the MarketDealWrapper contract.

    wrappedeal write-contract remove-from-whitelist \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  5. add-funds
    Add native funds to the MarketDealWrapper contract.

    wrappedeal write-contract add-funds \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  6. withdraw-funds
    Withdraw native funds from the MarketDealWrapper contract.

    wrappedeal write-contract withdraw-funds \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  7. approve-erc20
    Approve the MarketDealWrapper contract to spend ERC20 tokens.

    wrappedeal write-contract approve-erc20 \
      --contract-address "<TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  8. add-funds-erc20
    Add ERC20 tokens to the MarketDealWrapper contract.

    wrappedeal write-contract add-funds-erc20 \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  9. withdraw-funds-erc20
    Withdraw ERC20 tokens from the MarketDealWrapper contract.

    wrappedeal write-contract withdraw-funds-erc20 \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  10. withdraw-sp-funds-by-token
    Withdraw total SP funds by ERC20 token from the MarketDealWrapper contract.

    wrappedeal write-contract withdraw-sp-funds-by-token \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  11. withdraw-sp-funds-for-deal
    Withdraw SP funds for a specific deal from the MarketDealWrapper contract.

    wrappedeal write-contract withdraw-sp-funds-for-deal \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  12. withdraw-sp-funds-for-terminated-deal
    Withdraw SP funds for a terminated deal from the MarketDealWrapper contract.

    wrappedeal write-contract withdraw-sp-funds-for-terminated-deal \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \

3. read-contract

Use read-contract to read data from the MarketDealWrapper contract.

wrappedeal read-contract [subcommand] [flags] [parameters]


  1. get-sp-id
    Get Storage Provider address by Actor ID.

    wrappedeal read-contract get-sp-id \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
  2. get-deals-from-miner-id
    Retrieve deal IDs associated with a given miner ID.

    wrappedeal read-contract get-deals-from-miner-id \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
  3. is-whitelisted
    Check if an Actor ID is whitelisted.

    wrappedeal read-contract is-whitelisted \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
  4. get-sp-funds-for-deal
    Retrieve the currently claimable SP funds for a specific deal.

    wrappedeal read-contract get-sp-funds-for-deal \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
  5. get-token-funds-for-sp
    Retrieve the currently claimable SP funds for a specific ERC20 token and actor ID.

    wrappedeal read-contract get-token-funds-for-sp \
      --contract-address "<ADDRESS>" \
      <token> <actor-id>

Deal Making Flow Using Wrapped Deal

Follow the steps below to create and manage a Filecoin deal using Wrapped Deal. Each step includes a description of the action being performed along with the corresponding CLI command. Ensure that all flags are specified before the parameters.

  1. Deploy the MarketDealWrapper Contract

    Before initiating any deals, ensure that the MarketDealWrapper smart contract is deployed to your desired network (e.g., Anvil, testnet, or mainnet). This contract will handle the automated payments to Storage Providers (SPs). [Deployed Contract]

    forge create --rpc-url <YOUR_RPC_URL> --private-key <YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY> src/MarketDealWrapper.sol:MarketDealWrapper
  2. Add a Storage Provider (SP)

    Register a Storage Provider with the MarketDealWrapper contract. This step associates the SP's actor ID, Ethereum address, ERC20 token, and pricing information with the contract, allowing clients to make deals with this SP. [Sp add trans]

    wrappedeal write-contract add-sp \
      --contract-address "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
      --actor-id <ACTOR_ID> \
      --eth-addr "<ETH_ADDRESS>" \
      --token "<TOKEN_ADDRESS>" \
      --price-per-tb-per-month <PRICE>
  3. Get Actor ID of your Filecoin address

    To retrieve the actor ID from your Filecoin address, you can run:

    wrappedeal fil get-actor-id \
      --filecoin-addr "<FILECOIN_ADDRESS>" \
  4. Add the Actor ID to Whitelist

    Whitelist the actor ID(remove t0 or f0 prefix) in the MarketDealWrapper contract:

    wrappedeal write-contract add-to-whitelist \
      --contract-address "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  5. Approve ERC20 Tokens for the Contract

    Approve the MarketDealWrapper contract to spend a specified amount of your ERC20 tokens. This is necessary to facilitate the transfer of funds from your wallet to the contract for deal payments. You can use USDFC stablecoin (Get address from here) for testing.

    wrappedeal write-contract approve-erc20 \
      --contract-address "<TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  6. Add ERC20 Funds to the Contract

    Transfer approved ERC20 tokens to the MarketDealWrapper contract. These funds will be used to automatically pay the Storage Provider for the deals made. [USDFC add trans]

    wrappedeal write-contract add-funds-erc20 \
      --contract-address "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \
  7. Make a Local Deal with the SP

    Create a local deal with the registered Storage Provider. This command uploads the specified file or folder, associates it with the SP, and records the deal in the contract. The verified tag is set to true by default. You can get DataCap in Calibnet for your contract from here. [on-chain deal]

    wrappedeal fil local-deal \
      --path "<FILE_OR_FOLDER_PATH>" \
      --provider "<SP_ADDRESS>" \
      --contract "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>"

    Client Flow Complete

  8. Storage Provider Withdraws Funds for a Deal

    The registered Storage Provider can withdraw funds for a specific deal at any time. Funds are vested and become available as per the epoch schedule defined in the contract. [Sp's address claims USDFC]

    wrappedeal write-contract withdraw-sp-funds-for-deal \
      --contract-address "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>" \
      --private-key "<PRIVATE_KEY>" \
      --abi-path "<ABI_PATH>" \
      --rpc-url "<RPC_URL>" \


  • Funds are vested according to the epoch schedule, ensuring timely and automated payments to the Storage Provider.
  • The SP can withdraw funds for a terminated deal using the withdraw-sp-funds-for-terminated-deal command.
  • Client has admin rights to add or remove SPs, whitelist addresses, and manage contract funds.


  1. RPC URL and Private Key

    • Ensure that the RPC URL and private key are set and sourced from env to avoid passing it everytime.
    • The private key should be kept secure and not shared with others.
  2. ABI Path

    • The ABI path should point to the MarketDealWrapper contract ABI file.
    • Ensure that the ABI file has abi in following format
          "abi": <ABI>
  3. Wallet Type for get-eth-addr

    • The default wallet should be secp256k1 as we can derive eth-address for that only, bls is not supported.
  4. Build Issues

    • If you encounter build issues, ensure that the go.mod file is correctly set up with boost path, etc as mentioned in the prerequisites.
    • Verify that the correct version of Go is installed.
  5. Actor ID initialization

    • Ensure that the Actor ID is initialized correctly for your addresses you are using. You may need to fund the smart contract or EOA with small amounts of FIL to initialize the Actor.

Additional Resources

Enjoy using Wrapped Deal to streamline and automate your Filecoin deal payments!


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