A Sublime Text theme, inspired by the video game Vanquish and companion to the iTerm colour scheme of the same name. Based off of Centurion but removing even more unecessary decoration and chrome.
![Augmented Reaction theme](https://raw.github.com/ESWAT/augmentedreaction-theme/master/Augmented Reaction.png)
###Package Control
Search for [Theme - Augmented Reaction](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Theme - Augmented Reaction), install it and make sure to update your Settings - User
file with:
"theme": "Augmented Reaction.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Augmented Reaction/Augmented Reaction.tmTheme"
###Manual Clone it into your packages directory. These are OSX paths because I'm lazy like that. For Windows/Other just substitute your paths like a boss.
cd ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages
git clone git://github.com/ESWAT/augmentedreaction-theme.git 'Theme - Augmented Reaction'
Make sure you have the Theme - Augmented Reaction
at the end of the command so it is placed in the correct folder.
Unless of course you feel like experiencing the wrath of no icons.
Back to Sublime Text, press super+,
to access your Settings - User
and insert:
"theme": "Augmented Reaction.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Augmented Reaction/Augmented Reaction.tmTheme"
If it looks like crap make sure to restart Sublime before crying.