Run our new Flask App! Xplictation
- Anna Bower
- Michael Bruins
- Seth Drewry
- Bobby Jaikaran
- Sam Stone
Our team has deveoped a platform for users (target being parents) to evaluate songs as Explicit or Non-Explicit. The ultimate goal is to prepare a Python app that will allow the user to use our Machine Learning algorithms to determine if the content of either the song they choose, or lyrics, should be categorized as explicit. The categorization will not only feature analysis of foul language, but also adaptive learning agqainst urban colloquialism or slang.
This project must adhere to the following constraints/concepts from all of our progress to date:
- Find a Problem worth Solving, Analyzing, or Visualizing
- Use ML in the context of technologies learned
- You must use:
- Sci-Kit Learn and/or another machine learning library
- You must use at least two of the below
- Python Pandas
- Python Matplotlib
- Python Tweepy
- Python Flask
- HTML/CSS/Bootstrap
- JavaScript Plotly
- Javascript D3.js
- JavaScript Leaflet
- MySQL Database
- MongoDB Database
- Google Cloud SQL
- Amazon AWS
- Tableau
- Prepare a 15 minute “data deep dive” or “infrastructure walkthrough” that shows machine learning the context of what we’ve already learned.