This repository contains helper functions and Rmarkdown files for the analysis is i/eCLIP dataset using data post-processing package htseq-clip and statistical analysis package DEWSeq.
This repository is organized as follows:
contains snakemake pipleline for post-processing eCLIP datasets using htseq-clip.Parametrized_Rmd
contains an Rmd file calledanalyseStudy.Rmd
which can be used to analyze eCLIP datasets. Further details are available in the README file in the folder.SLBP_analysis
contains Rmarkdwon file, and knitted html and pdf outputs for the analysis of ENCODE SLBP eCLIP data using DEWSeq.Volcano_plot
contains an Rscript calledvolcanoplot.R
, which can be used to create volcano plots of significant windows. For further details, please read the README file in the folder.