x_repo Public
Valideo is the app that uses multiple service on your pokemon card
road_safty_system Public
YOLOv11l trained to detect multple safty protocols on road
grover Public
Forked from rowanz/groverCode for Defending Against Neural Fake News, https://rowanzellers.com/grover/
simple video generator that uses openai gpt4o for script generation
Nopenai Public
Forked from nicknochnack/NopenaiWalk through how to build a langchain x streamlit app using GPT4All || TEST
Image-Contrast-Enhancement Public
Forked from AndyHuang1995/Image-Contrast-EnhancementPython implementation of "A New Image Contrast Enhancement Algorithm Using Exposure Fusion Framework", CAIP2017
RealTimeAutomaticNumberPlateRecognition Public
Forked from nicknochnack/RealTimeAutomaticNumberPlateRecognitionTEST