Robby and the EDDiscovery team bring you EDDLite.
This brings EDDLite core internals to EDD 18.1.6 standard:
- EDDN sending of FSS Body Signals
- Inara sending improved with mission completed and initial MR list
- Add Cobra Mk V
- Update modules/items/materials/commodities
- Add new Ascendency events
- EDDN send new fields found in Ascendency
EDDLite is a tool that can track your Elite Dangerous travels, combat, trading, rank etc. It shows you a log of events, shows you a precise of your current situation.
It allows you to upload this data to the following sites automatically to keep them updated with your exploits
It also allows you to go directly to the relevant page on EDSM, Inara and Spansh for your system and location. You can go directly to Corolis or ED Shipyard with your current ship build.
It has a screen shot converter to allow the .bmp files to be converted to other formats automatically.
EDDLite is Elite Dangerous Discovery little brother - it builds on EDD technology but provides a simpler and smaller solution for commanders wishing to have just these features available. It also used much less memory since it has a lot less features:
Data storage is less than 1MB on your C drive.
Memory use is <50MB
Does not store user logs or star data on your disk so it has low disk usage - perfect for your HDDs.
EDDLite works for PC commanders only.
SHA256 hash of installers\EDDLite-3.2.0.exe:
SHA256 hash of installers\