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Maarten Vroegindeweij edited this page Jun 13, 2022 · 6 revisions

Changes 0.11.24

  • Servernames updated(o.a. BAG)

Changes 0.11.22

  • Bugfixes GIS2BIM_DownloadBGT

Changes 0.11.21

  • CreateBoundingBox expanded with PolygonString.
  • GIS2BIM_GetWebServerData for getting servernames and querystrings from the GIS2BIM repository.
  • Several bugfixes.
  • GIS2BIM_BGTGeometry improved
  • GIS2BIM_DownloadBGT with new BGT API server(Dynamo 2.8 required)

Changes 0.11.19

  • Luchtfoto servernames changed.

Changes 0.11.18

  • ImportImageInView bugfixes(thanks to Teun de Vries)
  • FilterGML bugfixes(thanks to Jochem)

Changes 0.11.17

  • Bugfixes
  • Luchtfoto 2020 server added

Changes 0.11.16

  • BAG3D V2 implemented

Changes 0.11.15

  • GIS2BIM_ImportImageInView works now with Revit 2021, kudus to Teun de Vries.
  • Several updates in webservers and requests in GIS2BIM_NetherlandsGeoservicesLibrary.

Changes 0.11.14

  • GIS2BIM_ImportImageInView works now with Revit 2021, kudus to Teun de Vries.
  • Several updates in webservers and requests in GIS2BIM_NetherlandsGeoservicesLibrary.

Changes 0.11


New nodes:

  • GoogleStreetViewAPI
  • WMTS_TMSNetherlands
  • GMLCoordinateListToGeometry
  • CompanySettings

Changes to nodes:

  • New Dutch Cadastreserver V4 implemented.
  • All nodes renamed due to namegivingpolicies in Dynamo 2.x
  • Several incorrect nodenames changed.
  • Wiki restructured.
  • Inputtypes of nodes changed.
  • All coordinate-inputs are now double(not string)
  • CreateDetailLinesFromPolygons improved thanks to Teun de Vries, Roos&Ros Architecten.

Nodes removed: Several

Changes 0.10

New nodes:

  • GeoservicesLibraryScotland
  • GoogleEarth
  • SVGToCurves
  • GeometryTree

Changes to nodes:

  • GeoservicesLibraryNetherlands: several WMS SVG-servers added.

Nodes removed:

Changes 0.8.1

New nodes:

  • WebrequestCredentials
  • WFSBGTGeometry
  • PDOKReverseGeocodingNetherlands

Changes to nodes:

  • SloveniaGeoservicesLibrary expanded with Cadastral Parcels as WFS.
  • PTStoPoints improved.
  • GeoservicesLibraryNetherlands has now a BAG 3D-server.
  • Luchtfoto 2018 added to GeoservicesLibraryNetherlands
  • GetRevitSiteLocation debugged
  • ImportImageInView rewritten in Python. Speed extremly improved from 30 seconds to 1 second
  • PTStoPoints improved
  • WMTSTileListFromBbox debugged
  • WMTSZoomLevelTileRow debugged

Nodes removed:

Example Workspaces:

  • From DutchGEO: AHN3 all downloadlink removed.
  • Slovenia Cadastre added.
  • From DutchGEO: BAG 3D WFS added.

Changes 0.7

New nodes:

  • SloveniaGeoservicesLibrary
  • XMLXPath
  • BitmapRotateFlip
  • FilterGMLPointsMetadata
  • BGTGeometry

Changes to nodes:

  • GeoservicesLibraryNetherlands has link for AHN3 Bladindex.
  • GetLocationdataNetherlands has 'waterschap' en 'id' value.
  • DownloadAHN includes metadata from webrequest.
  • GetRevitSiteLocation debugged.

Nodes removed:

Example Workspaces:

  • From DutchGEO: AHN3 all downloadlink removed.
  • Slovenia Cadastre added.

Changes 0.6

New nodes:

  • WMTSWebrequest
  • CzechRepublicGeoservicesLibrary
  • CropImage
  • MergeImages
  • GeocodingNomatimAPI
  • SetMaterialAppearanceTextureGeneric

Changes to nodes:

  • WebRequestWMS is using .NET in stead of ironpython to download files.
  • WMTSRequestAndImport does not save the tiles temporary on your harddisk. Speed improved.
  • TMS_WMTS_WebrequestAndCombineImages can be used for TMS and WMTS.
  • TMSWebservices now includes google roads, terrain, terrain only, hybrid, standard roadmap
  • GeoservicesLibraryNetherlands is expanded with OGC:WMS webservices for loading Historical Cadastral Parcals and Building from 1832 from the province of Zeeland
  • GeoservicesLibraryNetherlands is expanded with Luchtfoto 2017.

Nodes removed:

  • CombineImage is removed. TMS_WMTS_WebrequestAndCombineImages can ben used for this.
  • WebrequestWMTS is removed. TMS_WMTS_WebrequestAndCombineImages can ben used for this.

Example Workspaces:

  • WMTS example workspace is improved with new nodes.
  • Kadaster1832 Zeeland is added(OGC:WMS service for Cadastral Parcels and Building in the dutch province of Zeeland)
  • Kadaster1832 Nederland is added. Looks for the mapnumber and url of the Historical Cadastral Maps from 1832.
  • Different example workspaces are added, names changed.
  • Toposurface Set Rendermaterial.
  • Coordinate Reference System(CRS) Transform Example.
  • TMS Example Google Earth.

Changes 0.5

New nodes:

  • OpenBrowser(Thanks to Ekko Nap)
  • BelgiumGeoservicesLibrary
  • SpainGeoservicesLibrary
  • GetRevitSiteLocation(Thanks to Ekko Nap)
  • SetRevitSiteLocation(Thanks to Ekko Nap)
  • GoogleStaticMapsAPI
  • TMSTileNumberFromCoordinate
  • TMSBoundingboxFromTileNumber
  • TMSWebServices
  • TMS_WMTS_WebrequestAndCombineImages
  • SystemDrawingBitmapToJPG
  • DistanceBetweenCoordinatesWGS84
  • DoubleToString
  • TMSGetTileNumbersFromBboxLATLON

Changes to nodes:

  • CreatePointsPolygonsFromGML, CreatePointFromGML has option 'UnitsConversionFactor'. Factor is applied after transformation, so bigger coordinates can be handled.

  • WebrequestWMS2 doesn't need a temporarypath anymore to save the image.

  • GetLocationdataNetherlands has now a 'gemeentecode kadaster', 'provincie' and 'windgebied' parameter.

  • GetSharedCoordinate is expanded with scale, Elevation and Angle to True North.

  • SetSharedCoordinate is expanded with scale, angle to true north.

  • Some debugging with ImportImageInView.

  • 'Width' in CreateBoundingboxLATLONG is now correct. It was 50% of the 'Width'.

  • Some debugging in CreateBoundingbox.

  • CreateBoundingboxLATLONG has higher precision.

  • Grouping of Nodes is changed.

Changes 0.4

New nodes:

  • TransformCRS_epsg
  • SearchCRS
  • HawaiGeoservicesLibrary
  • SouthAfricaGeoservicesLibrary
  • ArcGISJSONtoPolygons
  • SuggestLocationdata(Thanks to Ekko)
  • WebRequestWMS2(Thanks to Ekko)

Changes to nodes:

  • CreateBoundingbox has extra outputs for boundingbox for ArcGIS webrequests.
  • Solved bugs in the LASZIPCommands.
  • Solved bug in KadasterPercelen.
  • Solved bug in DownloadAHN-node
  • Solved bug in KadasterPercelen with XML-node/Xpathstring
  • Solved bug in LASZIPCommands
  • Solved bug in KadasterBAG example worksheet


  • Extra example dynamo workspaces

Changes 0.3

New nodes:

  • OSM3DBuilding
  • GetSharedCoordinate

Changes to nodes:

  • GeoservicesLibraryNetherlands is extended
  • CreatePointsPolygonFromGMLxy: xml-tagname replaced to xpathstring
  • CreatePointsPolygonFromGMLxyz: xml-tagname replaced to xpathstring
  • CreatePointFromGML: xml-tagname replaced to xpathstring
  • KadasterPercelen: xml-tagname replaced to xpathstring
  • KadasterHouseNumbers: xml-tagname replaced to xpathstring
  • DownloadAHN


  • Exampleworkspaces combined with data-shapes and dyno
  • SetLocationData
  • KadasterBAG
  • BGT
  • Arealphoto 2016
  • Ruimtelijke plannen
  • No depencies anymore on Lunchbox