Simple printable doorbuffer to claw back 15-20mm without upgrading the front frame.
Aditional hardware outside the doors
- 22x M3 T-Nut
- 20x M3x8mm SHCS to hold the bracket
- 2x M3x20mm to hold the crossbar
- 8x M3 heat inserts for door mounting
- 22x M3 T-Nut
- 20x M3x8mm SHCS to hold the bracket
- 2x M3x20mm to hold the crossbar
- 6x M3 heat inserts for door
- 18x M3 nut
- 16x M3x8mm SHCS to hold the bracket
- 2x M3x16mm to hold the crossbar
- 4x M3 heat inserts for door
- 2x M3x6mm FHCS for door magnets