Website by Duck and Huay and Dinh Tu using Nodejs, Express JS, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Mysql.
Step 1: download Git
Step 2: download the project (self-explainatory, do it yourself).
Step 3: Import the Mysql file in the directory
you should have Mysql installed on your device before doing this step. If not, download it here
Setup a new connection, the port should be 3306.
if you have already used the 3306 port and want to use another port, please change the port in the Proj.js directory too.
in the "port:" line, type in your new port. it should work normally.
in your newly created port, press "data import" in the sever tab
in the "Import from dump project file", search for the project file it should look like this.
press "start import" and you are good to continue.
Step 4: open project directory, Git bash that bad boy.
it should look like this:
Step 5: Every middleware should instal themself (i guess so). Type: "nodemon Proj.js" into the Git bash window.
if it look like this, you are good to go:
Step 6: Use the web!