This repository is open for contributions during Hacktoberfest 2023! We have a variety of issues waiting to be fixed, and we welcome your pull requests to become a contributor.
- Fork this repository.
- Clone your fork to your local machine.
- You can find the issues in this repository page.
- Each issue should be solved separately (For example: Issue1 solved, Issue2 solved...)
- The fastest and the correct ones will be merged, and the issues will be closed.
- Make sure there are no conflicts; we won't be merging those requests.
- Make your changes and improvements.
- Commit and push your changes to your fork.
- Create a pull request to this repository.
- Wait for your pull request to be reviewed and, hopefully, merged!
We have a variety of issues available for you to work on. Feel free to explore the issues board to find something that interests you. If you have an idea for a new feature or bugfix, open a new issue to discuss it with the community.
By contributing to this repository, you agree to comply with its terms. Happy Hacking!