PureNotice is a pure and simple automessage plugin.It is used to automatically send announcement notice in the server.
Thanks for the configuration file logic provided by pixelautomessages.
Put the jar into your mods/plugins/ and start your server.Then pray it will be running. :D
- pn Show the PureNotice's infomation.
- pn reload Reload the PureNotice.
- pn.command.client.main For command "pn".
- pn.command.admin.reload For command "pn reload".
- Click notice to execute command.
- Shift + click notice to insert command or message into chat box.
- Click notice to open a url.
- Move the cursor over the notice to display additional information.
- Switch language to English or Chinese or use your own language configuration file.
- Random messages.
- The first notice can be delayed.
main {
# en_US or zh_CN
# Do not change version!!!
messages {
"1" {
message="&fThanks for using &aPureNotice&f, this is a normal message with no function."
"2" {
hover="&eClick&f to execute &a/help"
message="&fThanks for using &aPureNotice&f, this message is used to show the &eclick&f to execute command function."
"3" {
hover="&eShift + click&f to insert &a/list&f to the chat box"
message="&fThanks for using &aPureNotice&f, this message is used to show the &eshift + click&f to insert a message or command into the chat box function."
"4" {
hover="&eClick&f to open &ehttps://www.google.com/"
message="&fThanks for using &aPureNotice&f, this message is used to show the &eclick&f to open a url function."
"5" {
hover="When both &eclick&f and &eclickUrl&f exist, only &cclick&f will take effect."
# When both click and clickUrl exist, only click will take effect.
message="&fThanks for using &aPureNotice&f, this message is used to show &eall functions"
"10" {
message="&fThanks for using &aPureNotice&f, This message is used to show that the &emessage index&f does not need to be incremented by 1 at a time."
main {
# Do not change version!!!
messages {
commandMain="§aPureNotice§r version:"
commandMainAuthors="§aPureNotice§r authors: §a§l"
commandMainHelp="§epurenotice(pn) reload §fReload PureNotice"
commandReloadDesc="Reload this plugin."
configOut="Config is out of date, config has been overwritten and the older has been saved to the config directory."
disabled="§aPureNotice disabled.§r"
firstRun="This may be the first running. Config initialized."
languageOverWritten="Language config is out of date, it has been overwritten."
loaded="§aPureNotice loaded.§r"
loading="§aPureNotice is loading.§r"
noInit="Config already exists. No initialization required."
reloaded="§aPureNotice reloaded.§r"
reloading="§aPureNotice is reloading.§r"
The main configuration file is used to configure messages and functions to be sent, and the language configuration file is used to configure the PureNotice's tips.