New generation website for The Princess of Arena Cam Ranh Home
Custom Logo
FULLY responsive
Simple Login Logout
Simple booking with remote UPDATE API
Stunning photos galleries
Simple admin dashboard to update information at USERS view
- npm >=9.1.2
- node 18.x
yarn install
- For starting dev version:
yarn dev
- For building optimized and starting build version:
yarn build && yarn preview
REST APIs are used to interract with a simple JSON holder called
Meaning initial hotel information and updating its info are done ONLINE using APIs, not only LOCALLY.
Login/Logout mechanism: using local storage for keeping track of current user, who can either be a visitor or an admin. When information has been filled, simple string comparisions are done with local variables to validate those info and simulate a successful login session.
To login as a visior, try:
Username: visitor1
Password: visitor1-pwd
- To login as an admin, try:
Username: admin1
Password: admin1-pwd
To begin booking process, hover at More button on navigation bar and select Booking Now
Each booking will be stored as a ticket and a visitor can only book ONE room of certain type at a moment
The price of a booking ticket is calculated as ROOM RATE x NUMBER OF STAYING DATES, in USD
There is no RESERVATION feature, meaning future bookings.
The end of the Booking Flow is Check Out, which is paying for bookings. However, due to time limitation, it has not been implemented. By this reason, ONLY remote JSON is updated and simple message is displayed.
Due to time limitation, admin can only update the name, address and description of the hotel.
Info are AUTOMATICALLY REVALIDATED on UI after they are updated successfully
👤 Le Nguyen Truong An
- LinkedIn: @
- Student Email:
- Personal Email:
- Github: @DrewIndeed
- If you encounter this when refreshing visitor home or any page, go to the URL bar and direct your URL to '/', meaning root path. The page will auto redirect to the right page again:
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Copyright © 2022 Le Nguyen Truong An.
This project is MIT licensed.
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