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Ján Kluka edited this page Apr 30, 2020
2 revisions
prefix: "&6[&aDeathChestPro&6] "
no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission!"
deathchest_list_inv_title: "&fDeathChests Page "
deathchest_located: "&aYour DeathChest chest is located at &6X:%xloc%, Y:%yloc%, Z:%zloc%, World:%world%"
deathchest_will_disappear: "&aYour chest will disappear in %time% seconds !"
deathchest_disappeared: "&cYour DeathChest disappeared !"
deathchest_cannot_break: "&cYou cannot break this chest !"
deathchest_cannot_open: "&cThis is not your DeathChest !"
deathchest_locked: "&c&lLOCKED"
deathchest_unlocked: "&a&lUNLOCKED"
deathchest_teleported: "&aYou have been teleported to your DeathChest!"
deathchest_teleport_cooldown: "&cTeleport is not ready yet! Please wait %time% seconds."
deathchest_located_hover: "&eClick to teleport to this DeathChest!"
deathchest_fastloot_complete: "&aFastloot complete. There are &e%amount% items left &ain your DeathChest."
deathchest_teleport_no_money: "&cYou don't have enough money to teleport!"
invalid_usage: "&cInvalid usage ! Available commands: \n &e/dc reload &8- &7Reloads the configs \n &e/dc list &8- &7Show your active DeathChests \n &e/dc list <player> &8- &7Show others active DeathChests"
years: "Years"
days: "Days"
hours: "Hours"
minutes: "Minutes"
seconds: "Seconds"