A simple jabber notification service for live podcast events. Based upon the data of hoersuppe.de from @eazyliving.
Give it a try but beware the service is under heavy development. :)
list - Get a list of podcasts you could subscribe
reg < podcast > - Subscribe to a podcast notification
reglist - Get a list of all your subscription
unreg <podcast | * > - Unsubscribe a podcast notifcation
notify < ON | OFF > - Get notifications about new showpads on http://pad.shownot.es
- perl 5.14
- sqlite3
- Log::Log4perl
- Config::Simple
- File::Basename
- Net::XMPP
- LWP::Simple
Basic setup for the Shownotes Message Service.
Additional setup for the REST client.
This program is published under the terms of GPLv2 and comes with no warranty.