A web application for virtual table top role play gaming based on Spring Boot.
This is work in progress and yet not ready for usage.
This application is a web application. It can be used by a web browser.
It is (or for now: becomes) designed for small groups of people that self-host the application on their own server.
- Can be expanded when their content is needed. In other times, they can be collapsed for saving space on screen.
- Nested contents for building up a chapter like structure within an handout.
- Reusable in all of your campaigns. Create a template for a character sheet once and use it for every campaign with the same system.
- Visible and possibly also editable by whom the game master wants.
- Load your maps of the scenery.
- Place character tokens and object tokens on the table.
- The game master may grant the right of moving certain tokens to each player individually.
- Define your custom dice.
- Define pools of certain dice for yourself. Roll all dice of any pool by just one button click.
- Keep track of the turn order.
- Use a fixed mode for system with fixed initiative. Or use endless mode for systems where a counter counts up until a character becomes eligible for an action.
- Use the group channel for chatting with every one else in the game.
- Use a private channel for chatting with just a subset of other players.
- Only as a game master you need a registered account for managing your contents and campaigns.
- As a player or as a spectator, you can join by simply following a link provided by the game master.
- It shall be as accessible as possible.