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The Dragon System is a production class development framework and API for Ethereum web apps.

At the moment dragon-system will only work on Mac OSX and Linux.

Install dependencies

  • nodejs

    Install nodejs v6.X.X LTS version.

  • npm

    Make sure you have installed latest npm. You can run sudo npm install -g npm.

  • git

    Install git commandline tool.

  • docker

    Install docker. The community edition (docker-ce) will work. In Linux make sure you grant permissions to the current user to use docker by adding current user to docker group, sudo usermod -aG docker $USER. Once you update the users group, exit from the current terminal and open a new one to make effect.

  • docker-compose

    Install docker-compose

Note:- Make sure you can run git, docker ps, docker-compose without any issue and without sudo command.

Install dragon-system

sudo npm install -g dragon-system

Run a test setup

Create a workplace

mkdir dragon-workspace

You can use any name for the directory. It will use as the directory to clone the DragonSite and DragonAPI.Change the directory to that directory;

cd dragon-workspace

Whenever you run dragon commands, make sure you run it within this directory.

Initialize the system

dragon init

         _                                             _
      __| |_ __ __ _  __ _  ___  _ __    ___ _   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___
     / _` | '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \  / __| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \
    | (_| | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | | \__ \ |_| \__ \ ||  __/ | | | | |
     \__,_|_|  \__,_|\__, |\___/|_| |_| |___/\__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|
                     |___/                   |___/
? Site domain name:
? API domain name:
? NS1 API key: <20 character api key>
? Debug mode enabled or disabled? Enable
? Continue on installation? Yes

Note:- You have to obtain an NS1 API key and two domain to proceed.

After running the dragon init you can see the cloned site and api repos in the directory by running an ls


DragonAPI  DragonSite

Build the cloned source of Site and API

dragon build

Building DragonSite code base
npm info it worked if it ends with ok 

Note:- This will take sometime and you will feels like its hanged. But give some time since its building the source.

Pull docker images from docker hub

dragon pull

Note:- This will take some time in the initial run since it has to grab all images from the docker hub.

Start docker containers

dragon start

Starting up docker containers ... 

Update /etc/hosts entries to verify the setup.
$ sudo vim /etc/hosts
Add following lines to the file
Save and exit using '<Esc> :wq'

Verify docker are running properly

dragon ps

Name               Command         State            Ports
dragon_certs_1    /bin/sh -c /startup   Up      80/tcp
dragon_chain_1    /parity/parity        Up>8080/tcp
dragon_proxy_1    /bin/sh -c /startup   Up>443/tcp,
dragon_site_1     node server.js        Up      8080/tcp
dragon_api_1      node socket.js        Up      8011/tcp
dragon_store_1    /bin/sh -c /startup   Up      4001/tcp, 5001/tcp, 90

Note:- Make sure all 6 services are Up. If not use the following dragon logs <option> to go through each failed components log and find the issue. In general if the certs failed it will result to fail proxy service. If an site or API service fail it will result to fail the proxy service again. First make sure certs is working and got proper certificates. Then API and site is up and running. Proxy service after that. And finally store and chain.

Check logs of each system

dragon logs <certs/site/api/>

dragon logs certs

Attaching to dragon_certs_1
certs_1   | Reading environment variables ...
certs_1   |
certs_1   |
certs_1   | SSL_API_KEY=***********900
certs_1   | Certs already exist for domain :
certs_1   | Certs already exist for domain :
certs_1   | Starting ... 
certs_1   | - - [14/Sep/2017 14:42:33] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
certs_1   | Cron is running - Thu Sep 14 14:43:02 UTC 2017
certs_1   | Cron is running - Thu Sep 14 14:44:01 UTC 2017
certs_1   | Cron is running - Thu Sep 14 14:45:01 UTC 2017
certs_1   | Cron is running - Thu Sep 14 14:46:01 UTC 2017

Stop the setup

dragon stop

Forcefully kill (optional)

dragon kill

Remove stopped/killed container volumes

dragon rm

Build your own site

First of all run a test setup, it will validate the environment and install basic images for you.

Modify source code

Update the code in the dragon-workplace. If there is a setup running make sure to stop/kill it and clean container volues. That is because we are using caching in both browser and proxy level. Though you clean the browser cache sometimes you will get content from the proxy cache wich is out-dated with your change.

Stop existing running services.

dragon kill

Clear volumes to clear cache.

dragon rm

Build the modified code.

dragon build

Building DragonSite code base
npm info it worked if it ends with ok 

Note:- This will take sometime and you will feels like its hanged. But give some time since its building the source.

Start the service.

dragon start

Starting up docker containers ... 

Update /etc/hosts entries to verify the setup.
$ sudo vim /etc/hosts
Add following lines to the file
Save and exit using '<Esc> :wq'

Push customized images to a docker registory

Make sure you login to docker registry from the command-line before you run this command if you are using an authenticated registry like docker hub.

dragon push

         _                                             _
      __| |_ __ __ _  __ _  ___  _ __    ___ _   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___
     / _` | '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \  / __| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \
    | (_| | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | | \__ \ |_| \__ \ ||  __/ | | | | |
     \__,_|_|  \__,_|\__, |\___/|_| |_| |___/\__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|
                     |___/                   |___/
? Docker registry home:
Building DragonSite custom docker image ...

Note:- This process is also take some time. Usually those images will be aroung 900Mb each in size.

Run the customized system in a server environment

You have to follow some steps as in the dev setup but there are few additional steps too.

Create a workplace and move to that directory

mkdir dragon-workspace

cd dragon-workspace

Again whenever you run dragon commands, make sure you run it within this directory.

Initialize the system for a server

dragon server

         _                                             _
      __| |_ __ __ _  __ _  ___  _ __    ___ _   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___
     / _` | '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \  / __| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \
    | (_| | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | | \__ \ |_| \__ \ ||  __/ | | | | |
     \__,_|_|  \__,_|\__, |\___/|_| |_| |___/\__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|
                     |___/                   |___/
? Site domain name:
? API domain name:
? NS1 API key: UGCllAT1oVxupUlWIOOX
? Debug mode enabled or disabled? Disable
? Continue on installation? Yes
? dragon-site image tag:
? dragon-api image tag:

Start the service.

dragon start

Starting up docker containers ... 

Update /etc/hosts entries to verify the setup.
$ sudo vim /etc/hosts
Add following lines to the file
Save and exit using '<Esc> :wq'

Note:- Ignore the /etc/hosts entries and update your DNS entries to point to the server. And make sure you have allowed firewalls to access port 80 of the server.

You can use other commands like dragon stop, dragon logs <site/api...>, etc to interact with the system.

Clean the environment

You can follow below steps to clean your environment.

  • sudo npm uninstall -g dragon-system

  • rm -rf <your workplace>

  • sudo rm -rf $USER/.dragon

    Use sudo since docker will create a directory called 'ssl' to mount in to the cert docker image as root user.

  • docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

  • docker rmi $(docker images | awk '/dragon/{print $3}')


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