This image allows you to deploy WebProtégé as a microservice.
WebProtégé is a free, open-source ontology editor and framework for building intelligent systems.
or, you can just use docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
To start a new instance :
docker run --name webprotege -d -v webprotege_data:/data/webprotege --link mongodb -p 8888:8080 openkbs/docker-webprotege
The web application will be accessible from the host system on port 8888. All the persistent data will be stored in a volume handled by Docker and called webprotege_data. mongodb must be the name of a MongoDB docker container listening on port 27017.
To start a MongoDB instance using Docker (must be started before WebProtégé) :
docker run --name mongodb -d -v mongodb_data:/data/db mongo:3
All the persistent data will be stored in a volume handled by Docker and called mongodb_data.
To start the two containers using only one command, you can use Docker Compose :
docker-compose up -d