Releases: DrBeef/RTCWQuest
Releases · DrBeef/RTCWQuest
- Silent Stepping when moving slowly (courtesy of radwan92)
- Reenabled backpack (courtesy of radwan92)
- Extra Latency mode (Baggyg)
- Added Haptics for Arms (Baggyg) - Make sure you have the latest bHaptics player from AppLab
- Reenabled Quick Save and Quick Load via off hand backpack gesture (buttons remain the same - Baggyg)
- Added a check to ensure player can't get stuck in scoped mode (BaggyG)
Support for bHaptics / Cybershoes
- Set default SS for Quest 2 to 1.35
- Adjusted Screen distance based on resolution size
- Cybershoes Support
- bHaptics vest support
- Regular door open is now stealth door open (kick it for faster entry)
90hz Support for Quest 2
- 90hz refresh for Quest 2
- Fixed bug where enemy fire will cause player pistol to recoil
Fix for different IPDs on Quest 2
Fix for different IPDs on Quest 2
Fix warpy look on Quest 2
Fixed the incorrect FOV for Quest 2, still works ok on Quest 1.
Fix annoying menu
Fixes the annoying menu where the cursor would snap to items and make it difficult to use.
Small QoL fixes
- When resyncing client yaw with engine on a snap-turn, use HMD pitch rather than engine pitch (which caused a weird jitter)
- If FPS drops below 72, ensure that positional tracking is still consistent rather than suddenly moving the player a greater distance
The "Blood and Rumble" Update
- Added a blood mist effect on bullet impact on enemies
- Fixed bug where haptic rumble wouldn't stop
Weapons Improvements
Various Weapon and QoL improvements in this release:
- Scopes are much nicer to use as they don't use the dominant hand as part of the aim angle now
- Pistols improved: faster fire rate, more accurate, smaller recoil
- Virtual Stock - Can be enabled in the controls menu. It is what it is, if you have issues with it, then I would suggest you don't use it.
- Haptic feedback for explosions etc (in the vanilla game this would have shaken the screen)
First Patch Bug Fixes
A load of small fixes and QoL improvements:
- Fix Crouch Projectile Origin (wasn't taking crouch into account)
- Merge in Anisotropic and MSAA changes pull request
- Ensure Laser Sight config saves correctly
- Being able to load a game without having to exit to main menu (I think this might also fix a bunch of the crashes that people were having, judging by the nature of the fix, but can't be sure until it is out in the wild)
- Prevent teleport if there is a wall or obstacle between HMD and Controller (will stop people reaching through walls to teleport)
- Extra texture mode options (no filter, bileaner (no mipmap))
- Set cinematics to be 2D or 3D (default now 2D)
- Adjust virtual screen distance
- Anisotropy adjust in menu
- "Switch Sticks" will also switch function of A/B/X/Y so jumping etc is possible with switched sticks