Code for simulating dynamic neural time series, spectrogram parameterization (using SPRiNT), and generating figures from the SPRiNT preprint.
SPRiNT is a MATLAB toolbox. This package has an associated article where we validate the method on both simulated and empirical data.
Code for runnning the SPRiNT algorithm can be found in SPRiNT.m. The SPRiNT algorithm is also available from the Brainstorm distribution (Tadel et al., 2011). See the Brainstorm website for a tutorial on how to run SPRiNT.
Code for simulating time series (see Study 1) can be found in timeseries_sim.m. Code for generating the figure for Study 1 & 3 can be found in the Figures folder. Code for the EEG dataset (see Study 2) can be found in the LEMON_code folder.
Please contact the authors of this package for any questions and suggestions.
If you use this software, please cite it.
To cite SPRiNT in publications, please use:
Wilson, L. E., da Silva Castanheira, J., & Baillet, S. (2022). Time-resolved parameterization of aperiodic and periodic brain activity. eLife, 11, e77348. doi:10.7554/eLife.77348