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果糖网 edited this page Jul 5, 2024 · 9 revisions

1、Create Database

//database=SqlSugar5Demo is created after the method is called if it does not exist
db.DbMaintenance.CreateDatabase(); // Oracle does not support this method. You need to manually build the database

2、Create Table

Support for all databases

public class CodeFirstTable1
[SugarColumn(IsIdentity = true, IsPrimaryKey = true)]
public int Id { get;  set;  }
public string Name { get;  set;  }
//ColumnDataType is generally used for a single database. If ColumnDatatype is used for multiple libraries, it is not recommended
[SugarColumn(ColumnDataType = "Nvarchar(255)")]
public string Text { get;  set;  }
[SugarColumn(IsNullable = true)]// Can be NULL
public DateTime CreateTime { get;  set;  }

/*** Create a single table ***/
db.CodeFirst.SetStringDefaultLength(200).InitTables(typeof(CodeFirstTable1)); // Then a table can be created successfully
/*** Manually create multiple tables ***/

/*** Create tables in batches ***/
// Syntax 1:
Type[] types= Assembly
.LoadFrom("XXX.dll")// If the.dll error, can be replaced by xxx.exe Some generated exe
.gettypes ().where (it=> it.fullname.contains ("OrmTest."))// Namespace filtering, other conditions can be written
.ToArray(); // breakpoint debug whether the required Type, not required filtering

db.CodeFirst.SetStringDefaultLength(200).InitTables(types); // Create a table based on types

// Syntax 2:
Type[] types= typeof(class of any entity class).assembly.GetTypes()
.where (it=> it.fullname.contains ("OrmTest."))// Namespace filters, but you can also write other conditional filters
db.CodeFirst.SetStringDefaultLength(200).InitTables(types); // Create a table based on types

3、 Attribute details

Column Name Description
IsIdentity Whether to create a self increasing identity
IsPrimaryKey Whether to create a primary key identifier
ColumnName The name of the database field created (default to entity class property name)
ColumnDataType The type of database field to create. Usage 1: "varchar (20)" does not require a length to be set. Usage 2: If this parameter is not set, the system will automatically generate the corresponding database type based on the C # type
IsIgnore ORM does not process this column
ColumnDescription Notes table comments
Length Setting the length to 10 will generate xxx type (10), without parentheses, it will not be set
IsNullable Can it be null, default to false
DecimalDigits Precision, such as decimal (18,2), length=18, DecimalDigits=2
OldColumnName Used to modify column names, so that columns will not be added or deleted
Default Value Default value, used to set field default values for table building
IsOnlyIgnoreInsert Take default value when inserting data
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