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Template repository for making modules using Better Sunshine Engine


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Template repository for making modules using Better Sunshine Engine


include/ This is where public header files go.

lib/ This is where submodules and libraries go.

src/ This is where source files and private header files go.

Including SMS files

Super Mario Sunshine, Dolphin, JSystem, and BetterSunshineEngine headers can be included like so:

#include <SMS/...>
#include <Dolphin/...>
#include <JSystem/...>
#include <BetterSMS/...>


You can port code to different regions using the macro SMS_PORT_REGION(us, eu, jp, kr), which can be included using #include <SMS/macros.h>. This is commonly useful for porting addresses when patching.


Low Level

BetterSunshineEngine provides utilities to patch arbitrary memory and code through Kuribo. The following macros are provided:

#include <BetterSMS/module.hxx>

SMS_PATCH_B(address, function);  // Branches to the specified function at the address
SMS_PATCH_BL(address, function);  // Calls the specified function at the address
SMS_WRITE_32(address, value);  // Writes the specified value at the address

These are the fundamental patching methods for low-level module construction.

High Level

BetterSunshineEngine provides utilities to hook into different points of the game generically. These are very useful for non-volatility and multi-module support. Examples are shown below:

#include <Dolphin/OS.h>
#include <Dolphin/math.h>
#include <Dolphin/string.h>

#include <JSystem/J2D/J2DOrthoGraph.hxx>
#include <JSystem/J2D/J2DTextBox.hxx>

#include <SMS/System/Application.hxx>

#include <BetterSMS/game.hxx>
#include <BetterSMS/module.hxx>
#include <BetterSMS/stage.hxx>
#include <BetterSMS/loading.hxx>

/ Example module that logs to the console and draws to the screen during gameplay

static int getTextWidth(J2DTextBox *textbox) {
    const size_t textLength = strlen(textbox->mStrPtr);

    size_t textWidth = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < textLength; ++i) {
        JUTFont::TWidth width;
        textbox->mFont->getWidthEntry(textbox->mStrPtr[i], &width);
        textWidth += width.mWidth;

    return textWidth + (Max(textLength - 1, 0) * textbox->mCharSpacing);

static J2DTextBox *sOurTextBox = nullptr;
static J2DTextBox *sOurTextBoxBackDrop = nullptr;
static s32 sCoordX, sCoordY = 0;
static bool sXTravelsRight, sYTravelsDown = true;

/ BETTER_SMS_FOR_CALLBACK ensures that the function is able to be
/ called by Better Sunshine Engine. Always use it when defining
/ a new callback you plan to register.

BETTER_SMS_FOR_CALLBACK static void onStageInit(TMarDirector *director) {
    sOurTextBox = new J2DTextBox(gpSystemFont->mFont, "Hello Screen!");
        sOurTextBox->mGradientTop    = {160, 210, 10, 255};  // RGBA
        sOurTextBox->mGradientBottom = {240, 150, 10, 255};  // RGBA

    sOurTextBoxBackDrop = new J2DTextBox(gpSystemFont->mFont, "Hello Screen!");
        sOurTextBoxBackDrop->mGradientTop    = {0, 0, 0, 255};  // RGBA
        sOurTextBoxBackDrop->mGradientBottom = {0, 0, 0, 255};  // RGBA

    sCoordX = -BetterSMS::getScreenRatioAdjustX();
    sCoordY = 32;

    OSReport("Textbox initialization successful!\n");

BETTER_SMS_FOR_CALLBACK static void onStageUpdate(TMarDirector *director) {
    if (sXTravelsRight)
        sCoordX += 1;
        sCoordX -= 1;

    if (sYTravelsDown)
        sCoordY += 1;
        sCoordY -= 1;

    if (sCoordX >= BetterSMS::getScreenRenderWidth() - getTextWidth(sOurTextBox))
        sXTravelsRight = false;
    else if (sCoordX <= -BetterSMS::getScreenRatioAdjustX())
        sXTravelsRight = true;

    if (sCoordY >= (480 - sOurTextBox->mCharSizeY))
        sYTravelsDown = false;
    else if (sCoordY <= 32)
        sYTravelsDown = true;

BETTER_SMS_FOR_CALLBACK static void onStageDraw2D(TMarDirector *director, const J2DOrthoGraph *ortho) {
    sOurTextBoxBackDrop->draw(sCoordX + 1, sCoordY + 2);  // Draw backdrop text to the screen
    sOurTextBox->draw(sCoordX, sCoordY);  // Draw text to the screen

// Module definition

static BetterSMS::ModuleInfo sModuleInfo("Our Module", 1, 0, nullptr);

static void initModule() {
    OSReport("Initializing Module...\n");


    // Register callbacks

// Definition block
KURIBO_MODULE_BEGIN("OurModule", "JoshuaMK", "v1.0") {
    // Set the load and unload callbacks to our registration functions
    KURIBO_EXECUTE_ON_LOAD { initModule(); }

The benefits of designing your module this way are generalization, ease of patching, and the ability to mix your module with other modules more easily!


Build the CMake project using your favorite tool (Visual Studio is recommended). Clang comes shipped with the template's Better Sunshine Engine submodule.


Place the compiled module in your extracted ISO's directory /files/Kuribo!/Mods/. Make sure it is ordered after BetterSunshineEngine.kxe (The easiest way is to add an underscore at the start of the module filename).


Template repository for making modules using Better Sunshine Engine







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