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3. Request

DA edited this page Jun 13, 2019 · 9 revisions

The Request class provides you with the flexibility to get all the information needed about a request made to your application. The Request class exists in the context of a successful route. In other words, if the routing is not successful then there is no easy way to have access to the Request class and to leverage its powerful functionalities.

Learn more about Routing here

Accessing the Request

From the moment a route is successful, the Request class is available for use.

  • It can be accessed from the context of any Class created in the /application folder by invoking a global helper method:
  • In the context of a Controller, the Request is a property of these classes:
use Caligrafy\Controller;

class BookController extends Controller {
   public function test()
       dump($this->request); // will return the entire request object

Request Properties

    public $method; // retrieves the request method
    public $uri; // retrieves the URI
    public $fullUri; // retrieves the the full URI including the query parameters
    public $userAgent; // retrieves the User Agent of the request
    public $cookie; // retrieves the Cookie headers
    public $currentRoute; // retrieves the current route 
    public $fetch; // retrieves an array of all the parameters fetched from the request and the URI
    public $parameters; // retrieves an object model of all the request parameters

Request Methods

   public function fetch($argument); //returns the value of a specific parameter
   public function files($HTMLFileName); //returns an array of all the uploaded files through a FORM
   public function wantsJson(); //returns true if the request is an API call
   public function parameters(); //returns an array of all the request parameters

Next Section: Learn about Models

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