Troels Blicher Petersen (trpet15)
Mark Jervelund (mjerv15)
Morten Kristian Jæger (mojae15)
To make the entire project:
To compile main program:
make compiler
To compile tests
make tests
For compiler:
Ideal run:
./compiler <filename>
Compile program and create executable:
./compiler -a <filename>
For tests:
Clean only build files
make clean
Clean build files and compiled programs
make clean-all
How to create branch of old commit
git branch <branchname> <hash value of commit>
How to switch to branch
git checkout <branchname>
How to delete branch
git branch -d <branchname>
How to list branches
git branch
Show previous commits in terminal
git log --stat
Go back n commits
git checkout HEAD-n
Git Bisectb
git bisect start
# Current head / commit
git bisect bad
# Last known good coomit
git bisect good <commit hash>
# Tell bisect if the commit is good or bad.
git bisect good/bad
# If any changes is made during testing
git reset --hard HEAD
# - to be able to move on to another commit
# Create branch from bad commit or reset.
git bisect reset / git branch <branchname>