These are deep learning examples implemented by TensorFlow, Python with Numpy.
All python code are base on python3 and use jupyter notebook.
- TensorFlow 1.0
- Scikit Learn
- matplotlib, Seaborn
- Numpy
- Pandas
Python, TensorFlow is minimal version.
Exercise is used model that mimicking scikit-learn's interface (fit, predict, etc...) and extended version from minimal.
- Linear Regression
Python | TensorFlow | Exercise - Boston Housing(TensorFlow) - Logistic Regression
TensorFlow | Exercies - Iris(Python) - Neural Network
- Two Layer Network: Python) | AND, OR, XOR(Python)-2_Layer
- N Layer Network: Exercise - AND, OR, XOR(Python)-N_Layer , TensorFlow
- Convolutional Neural Network
TensorFlow(AlexNet) - Recurrent Neural Network
TensorFlow - Word2Vec
TensorFlow - CNN for Sentence Classification
PDF | TensorFlow - Char-RNN (a character-level language model to generate character sequences)
TensorFlow(Obama-RNN) - Seq2Seq
TensorFlow - Adversarial Neural Cryptography