The only way you can get good, unless you're a genius, is to copy. That's the best thing. Just steal.
- Ritchie Blackmore
- ViewTreeObserver
Result of work:
- See Issues
- Tools: Retrofit(GSON & OkHttp), Picasso, ButterKnife
Working Stage:
- Facebook Integration(Login/Post)
Result of work:
- Viewpager Textview Changed as iOS version, customized viewpager indicator (Ignore the new updated version screen).
Matchie -> EyeEm-like UI Demo
Result of work:
- Dynamic UI with Animations and Effects
- Core classes: LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Viewpager, Animation XML, Fragment/FragmentManager/FragmentTransition, Backstack, Actionbar), JSONObject/JSONArray, HttpClient/HttpResponse/HttpGet, Patterns
- Core elements: ScrollView(fillviewport), EditText, Framelayout, ListView(onScrollListener/Designtime Layout Attribute,ListviewAdapter-Modified-getView()adding animation), Color/Drawable(setAlpha()), ImageView(ColorFilter))
- Third-part libraries integration (medyo/fancybuttons, xgc1986/ParallaxPagerTransformer, jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu(I am not using nav drawer like eyeEM), chrisbanes/ActionBar-PullToRefresh)
- Special Thanks: (Alexander Lansang(README gif), Flavien Laurent/Antoine Merle(Parallax Effect))
Result of work:
- Dynamic UI with Animations and Effects
- Core classes: Clipdrawable, Viewpager(multiple methods),Canvas(drawpath)
- Third-part libraries integration
- Special Thanks: Brett(Vertical ViewPager)
Backlog: Image drag and drop(Data changed/Animation) RecycleView Optimization
Appygeek decode: Libraries: chrisbanes/ActionBar-PullToRefresh, castorflex/SmoothProgressBar, JakeWharton/DiskLruCache, jgilfelt/SystemBarTint