For my Feature, I decided to construct a game based on the Greek legend of Theseus & the Minotaur, the background of which I've included on the page with the game as context. I wanted the Minotaur to be at the centre of the Labyrinth, and a number of Theseus sprites to navigate the Labyrinth and reach the Minotaur, whereupon they slay it. I envisaged that each Theseus would be timed as they made their way through the maze to reach Theseus, and each would be timed. The real objective of the game would be to time each Theseus sprite, and compare them, with a message on screen displaying which Theseus reached the Minotaur in the quickest time.
Paul Vickers' book 'How To Think Like A Programmer', which I was introduced to when studying a stand-alone module in Problem-Solving for Programming module at Birkbeck, was helpful in instilling in me a rational, analytical, programming mindset, in which problem solving and planning takes up the majority of the time, with the coding only taking place afterwards. The book gets across helping to solve the problem of what is required first using pseudocode and other methods, before only committing to the code once the coder has understood what is necessary. Thus, being a coder is as much about problem-solving and planning as it is about actually sitting down and writing the code.
- The game container, which contains the game
- The game map
- The controls
- The layers: how many?
- Floor
- Walls
- Sprites:
- Theseus * ?
- Minotaur
- Background context on screen to the legend of Theseus and Minotaur
- Score counter
- Start button
- Success message within the game map that appears when Theseus slays the minotaur, displaying the time that has taken for each Theseus to do so
- Instructions on controlling the Theseus sprite via cursor keys or buttons
- Visual controls on the screens
- Final results that show which Theseus was the quickest to display the Minotaur