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Testing your Mod

Ste edited this page Feb 21, 2025 · 5 revisions

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For effective development and optimization of your mod, frequent testing is a must.

Switching to Dev Mode

In Game.tscn, you'll find a variety of properties in the Inspector. One such property is Dev Mode.


Once activated, Dev Mode runs the game with many debugging options and development tools. This mode also bypasses the intro sequence once the map finishes loading.

Within's _ready() function, you can adjust various startup defaults in Dev Mode, like the default keeper or the scene that loads on startup. Use these settings to streamline your testing process.

func _ready():
   if devMode:
      loadout.keeperId = "keeper2"
#     StageManager.startStage("stages/intro/intro")
#     StageManager.startStage("stages/landing/landing", [startData])

Utilizing the Cheat Menu

While in Dev Mode, pressing F1 during gameplay opens the cheat menu, which makes it easier to add gadgets, initiate enemy waves, accelerate mining, etc.


Exploring the Remote Tree

The Godot Engine offers a helpful feature called the Remote Tree. By clicking on Remote while the game runs, you can view the game's real scene tree.


The Remote Tree allows you to view all nodes currently in the game, including your mod. In the Inspector, you can examine all real values or variables during runtime.

Testing Your Mod Zip Locally

You can test the mod in the zip file by placing it into a folder named mods in your Godot project (res://mods/).

Testing Your Mod in Steam

Test your mod via Steam by zipping your mod and placing it in the Steam Workshop folder in your Steam directory:

...\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\1637320\ (1637320 is Dome Keeper's Steam game id)

Here, create a new folder with an unused name and place your mod's zip file. Now, when launching the game via Steam, your mod will appear in the list, allowing you to test it in Dome Keeper's live version.

Additional Godot Debugging Tools

Godot provides various tools for debugging your mod, from breakpoints to a call stack. To get an overview of these options, we recommend referring to the official Godot Engine documentation.