You can use this tool to decrypt any file from any game that uses ForzaTech engine, from Forza Motorsport 6: Apex to Forza Horizon 5. It automatically guesses the right game title and key type using MAC verification. It can also be used to re-encrypt user content (game saves, photos, event lab routes).
This repository is lack of files containing decryption keys. These files and binaries can be found on the XeNTaX thread.
- Arxan TransformIT (GuardIT) encryption, decryption
- Message authentication code (MAC) calculation
- gamedb.slt deobfuscation
- .zip method 22 support
- SFS (decryption)
- media\sfsdata
- GameDB (decryption)
- media\Stripped\gamedbRC.slt
- File / ConfigFile (decryption)
- .zip
- .xml
- .ini
- Profile (encryption, decryption)
- User_69C2EF99.ProfileData
- User_69C2EF99.VersionFlags
- ForzaProfileProdContainer.LevelRewardCache (encryption, decryption)
- Photo (encryption, decryption)
- Photo_0000_20211112155819.header
- Photo_0000_20211112155819.image -- jpg
- Photo_0000_20211112155819.metadata
- Photo_0000_20211112155819.thumb -- jpg
- Dynamic (encryption, decryption)
- CustomRoute_0000_20211112181230.header
- CustomRoute_0000_20211112181230.RouteData
- Telemetry (encryption)
- u8[16] IV
- u32 padding_size (unencrypted)
- u8[16] header's MAC (unencrypted)
- DataBlock
- u8[0x200 or 0x20000] data_block (encrypted)
- u8[16] MAC of decrypted data_block including padding (encrypted)
- u32 data_size
- u8[16] IV
- u32 padding_size
- u32 data_size
- u8[16] IV
- file content
- data (includes padding)
- data_block 0x200 or 0x20000
- block 0x10
File: media\sfsdata
Block size: 0x20000
Padding: 0x6797
File size: 0x4F827E4
Data size: 0x4F80000
Decrypted file size: 0x4F79869
> .\EncryptionTool.exe -h
-h [ --help ] Print this help message.
-v [ --verbose ] number (=1) Set verbosity level. (0 - no output, 1 - default, 2 - verbose)
-m [ --mode ] number (=1) (0 - encryption, 1 - decryption)
-i [ --input ] string Set the input file path.
-o [ --output ] string Set the output file path. ('-' - stdout)
-y [ --yes ] Overwrite output file, if exists.
Encryption options:
-g [ --game ] string Game title. (FM6Apex, FH3, FM7, FH4, FH5)
-k [ --key ] string Key type. (SFS, GameDB, File, ConfigFile, Profile, Reward, Photo, Dynamic)
--iv string (=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
Initialization vector. Hex string of length 32.
.\EncryptionTool.exe -i"C:\Program Files (x86)\DODI-Repacks\Forza Horizon 5\media\Stripped\gamedbRC.slt" -o"gamedbRC.slt"
.\EncryptionTool.exe -i"C:\Program Files (x86)\DODI-Repacks\Forza Horizon 5\media\" -o""
.\EncryptionTool.exe -i"C:\Users\Public\Documents\EMPRESS\1551360\remote\1551360\remote\1774383001\User_69C2EF99.ProfileData" -o"User_69C2EF99.ProfileData"
.\EncryptionTool.exe -m0 -gFH5 -kProfile --iv="0C CF 15 0C A7 23 A0 23 7A A2 45 63 38 E0 4A 0C" -i"User_69C2EF99.ProfileData" -o"C:\Users\Public\Documents\EMPRESS\1551360\remote\1551360\remote\1774383001\User_69C2EF99.ProfileData"