Active target coverage can be described as an agent dynamically adjusting its pose in order to keep some target of interest in its sensor’s finite coverage area.
The SensingAgent utilizes an estimation filter to track and predict the future state of relevant targets.
These are some fun interactive tests to exhibit the tracker behaviors. The higher the sample rate, the more accurate the tracker will be.
Active tracking with an agent following user mouse at sample rate 1/20.
./tests/ 20
Static tracking with an agent predicting location of user mouse at sample rate 1/20:
./tests/ 20
These are some programs for running repeatable examples, which are useful for tuning parameters.
Active tracking with an agent following a target traveling along specified track at every time step. Useful for sanity checking.
./tests/ point-fields/loop.json
Active tracking with an agent following a target traveling along a specified track, with a user specified sample rate.
./tests/ 20
Some examples for just rendering agent observations or target behaviors.
Agentless environment with a single target following its predefined path. Useful for debugging the generated tracks.
to translate,LSHIFT
to rotate.
./tests/ point-fields/loop.json
Agent with a target track, showing visibility vs detections. Useful for debugging the agent coordinate system.
./ point-fields/grid.json
A convenience program for generating some predefined tracks. Not clean code, but it rewards a skilled user.
- Generate a path with two loops which looks a bit like a bow tie, with a noise factor of 10.
./point-fields/ LOOP 10
- Generate a cubic spline which resembles a sine wave with noise factor of 0.
./point-fields/ LERP 0