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(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling    [*]              *)
(*             Jean-François Monin           [+]              *)
(*                                                            *)
(*           [*] Affiliation Univ. Lorraine - CNRS - LORIA    *)
(*           [+] Affiliation VERIMAG - Univ. Grenoble Alpes   *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

This artifact contains the Coq code closely associated with submission to the International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2023).

The code in this GitHub repository is distributed under the CeCILL v2.1 open source software license.

What is in here

This artifact consists, in the sub-directory theories:

The diff files or the two pull requests (PR) below are intended to visualize the difference between the three branches of the source code:

  • the regular murec_artifact branch used as main basis for the paper;
  • the murec_artifact_unit and murec_artifact_hide branches/PR, discussed in the Extraction section of the paper, and which explore ways to get the cleanest possible OCaml extraction.

How to compile and review

Which Coq version

The Coq code was developed under Coq 8.15 and then 8.16:

  • but it should compile under various versions of Coq, starting from at least Coq 8.10.
  • we positively tested the following version of Coq on this code: 8.10.2, 8.11.2, 8.12.2, 8.13.[1,2], 8.14.1, 8.15.[0,2], 8.16.[0,1] and 8.17.[0].
  • the code does not use any external libraries except from the Init, Utf8 and Extraction modules of the Coq standard library which requires no additional installation process besides that of Coq itself.

The commands to compile

To run the compilation and extraction process, just type make all in a terminal. This process should last no more than 5 seconds. The extracted OCaml code should appear under the file as well as in the terminal directly. Additionally, the file ra.hs receives Haskell code extraction.

After compilation, the Coq code can be reviewed using your favorite IDE. We also distribute colored versions of the diff files to help at spotting the not so many updates needed for switching between branches.

Below, we give a typical example for terminal interaction in the directory of the artifact:

mkdir murec_artifact_58
cd murec_artifact_58
unzip [...]/ 

# or tar -zxvf [...]/murec_artifact.tar.gz
# or git clone, see below

cd theories
make all
coqide interpreter.v
./ main
./ unit
make all
nano unit.diff # gives colorized display of the diff file 
./ hide
make all
nano hide.diff
./ main
make clean

Switching between branches

Notice the Perl script that allows to change between the different branches of the code without using git commands. One can of course alternatively clone the GitHub repository using the command

git clone

and then switch between branches using the regular (eg) git checkout hide command but using together with git checkout should be avoided since they both transform the code without synchronizing between each other.

What are the unit and hide branches/PR

The tricks are described in the paper. Here we give a short overview. They are designed to remove the Obj.t and __ OCaml constructs that Extraction uses to bypass the limitation of the OCaml type system as compared to that of Coq.

The unit trick consists in replacing

compute {X} (P : X → Prop) := (∃x, P x) → {x | P x}


computeᵤ {X} (P : X → Prop) := {_ : unit | ∃x, P x} → {x | P x}

at some selected points in the code, those where some parameter of a higher order function is a partial function itself. Notice that the termination certificate ∃x, P x is now hidden under a supplementary argument of type unit which is then extracted in place of (the squashed proof of) the proposition P.

The hide trick replaces compute (as above) with the following alternative

.... : ∀ p : {a | ∃x, F a x}, {x | F (π₁ p) x}

choosing one of the existing computational arguments to hide the termination certificate under it. In particular this requires the certificate to be hidden after the arguments it depends on, but also that such a computational argument (eg a above) exists, hence F is of type F : A → X → Prop whereas P above is of type P : X → Prop.

What is the output of extraction

Without using the above mentioned unit or hide tricks, we already obtain the following Ocaml extracted code from the certified implementation of µ-recursive algorithms:

type __ = Obj.t
let __ = let rec f _ = Obj.repr f in Obj.repr f

type nat =
| O
| S of nat

type 'a sig0 = 'a
  (* singleton inductive, whose constructor was exist *)

(** val vec_prj : 'a1 list -> nat -> 'a1 **)

let rec vec_prj u i =
  match u with
  | [] -> assert false (* absurd case *)
  | x::v -> (match i with
             | O -> x
             | S j -> vec_prj v j)

type recalg =
| Ra_zero
| Ra_succ
| Ra_proj of nat
| Ra_comp of recalg * recalg list
| Ra_prec of recalg * recalg
| Ra_umin of recalg

type 'x compute = __ -> 'x

(** val vec_map_compute : ('a1 -> 'a2 compute) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list **)

let rec vec_map_compute fcomp = function
| [] -> []
| x::xa -> (fcomp x __)::(vec_map_compute fcomp xa)

(** val prim_rec_compute :
    ('a1 -> 'a2 compute) -> ('a1 -> nat -> 'a2 -> 'a2 compute) -> 'a1
    -> nat -> 'a2 **)

let rec prim_rec_compute fcomp gcomp x = function
| O -> fcomp x __
| S n -> gcomp x n (prim_rec_compute fcomp gcomp x n) __

(** val umin_compute : (nat -> nat compute) -> nat -> nat **)

let rec umin_compute f s =
  match f s __ with
  | O -> s
  | S _ -> umin_compute f (S s)

(** val ra_compute : recalg -> nat list -> nat **)

let rec ra_compute sk vk =
  match sk with
  | Ra_zero -> O
  | Ra_succ ->
    (match vk with
     | [] -> assert false (* absurd case *)
     | y::_ -> S y)
  | Ra_proj i -> vec_prj vk i
  | Ra_comp (sb, skb) ->
    ra_compute sb (vec_map_compute (fun sa _ -> ra_compute sa vk) skb)
  | Ra_prec (sb, sb'') ->
    (match vk with
     | [] -> assert false (* absurd case *)
     | y::u ->
       prim_rec_compute (fun v _ -> ra_compute sb v) (fun v n x _ ->
         ra_compute sb'' (n::(x::v))) u y)
  | Ra_umin sb' -> umin_compute (fun n _ -> ra_compute sb' (n::vk)) O


Extraction of µ-recursive algorithms in Coq






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